Develo** brain networks of attention
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[PDF][PDF] Propuesta de un modelo de funciones ejecutivas basado en análisis factoriales
J Tirapu-Ustárroz, P Cordero-Andrés… - Revista de …, 2017 -
Conclusiones. Aunque no disponemos de un único modelo que pueda explicar la
complejidad de las funciones ejecutivas, sí parece existir acuerdo respecto a su …
complejidad de las funciones ejecutivas, sí parece existir acuerdo respecto a su …
[HTML][HTML] Longitudinal structural brain changes in bipolar disorder: a multicenter neuroimaging study of 1232 individuals by the ENIGMA bipolar disorder working group
Background Bipolar disorder (BD) is associated with cortical and subcortical structural brain
abnormalities. It is unclear whether such alterations progressively change over time, and …
abnormalities. It is unclear whether such alterations progressively change over time, and …
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex dysfunction caused by a go/no-go task in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy …
T Wu, X Liu, F Cheng, S Wang, C Li, D Zhou… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
Background Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) exhibit executive
function deficits, which can be attributed to a dysfunction in the prefrontal region of the brain …
function deficits, which can be attributed to a dysfunction in the prefrontal region of the brain …
Letter and category fluency performance correlates with distinct patterns of cortical thickness in older adults
Verbal fluency tasks are generally thought to be mediated by frontal brain regions for letter
fluency and temporal regions for category fluency. This idea, however, is primarily based on …
fluency and temporal regions for category fluency. This idea, however, is primarily based on …
Volume versus surface-based cortical thickness measurements: a comparative study with healthy controls and multiple sclerosis patients
The cerebral cortex is a highly folded outer layer of grey matter tissue that plays a key role in
cognitive functions. In part, alterations of the cortex during development and disease can be …
cognitive functions. In part, alterations of the cortex during development and disease can be …
[HTML][HTML] Longitudinal cortical thickness changes in bipolar disorder and the relationship to genetic risk, mania, and lithium use
Background Bipolar disorder (BD) is a highly heritable psychiatric disorder characterized by
episodes of manic and depressed mood states and associated with cortical brain …
episodes of manic and depressed mood states and associated with cortical brain …
Targeted visual cortex stimulation (TVCS): a novel neuro-navigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation mode for improving cognitive function in bipolar …
D Wang, L Tang, C **, D Luo, Y Liang, Q Huang… - Translational …, 2023 -
A more effective and better-tolerated site for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
(rTMS) for treating cognitive dysfunction in patients with bipolar disorder (BD) is needed. The …
(rTMS) for treating cognitive dysfunction in patients with bipolar disorder (BD) is needed. The …
[HTML][HTML] Abnormal directed connectivity of resting state networks in focal epilepsy
M Carboni, P De Stefano, BJ Vorderwülbecke… - NeuroImage: Clinical, 2020 - Elsevier
Objective Epilepsy diagnosis can be difficult in the absence of interictal epileptic discharges
(IED) on scalp EEG. We used high-density EEG to measure connectivity in large‐scale …
(IED) on scalp EEG. We used high-density EEG to measure connectivity in large‐scale …
Bipolar disorder type I and II show distinct relationships between cortical thickness and executive function
Objective Frontal cortical abnormalities and executive function impairment co‐occur in
bipolar disorder. Recent studies have shown that bipolar subtypes differ in the degree of …
bipolar disorder. Recent studies have shown that bipolar subtypes differ in the degree of …