An overview of Southern Ocean zooplankton data: abundance, biomass, feeding and functional relationships
A Atkinson, P Ward, BPV Hunt, EA Pakhomov… - Ccamlr …, 2012 - nora.nerc.ac.uk
There is an enormous amount of data on Southern Ocean (SO) zooplankton, mostly on their
distribution with a minority addressing rate processes. This review aims to summarise these …
distribution with a minority addressing rate processes. This review aims to summarise these …
Iron fertilization and the structure of planktonic communities in high nutrient regions of the Southern Ocean
B Queguiner - Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in …, 2013 - Elsevier
In this review article, plankton community structure observations are analyzed both for
artificial iron fertilization experiments and also for experiments dedicated to the study of …
artificial iron fertilization experiments and also for experiments dedicated to the study of …
Food web structure for high carbon retention in marine plankton communities
Total annual net primary productions in marine and terrestrial ecosystems are similar.
However, a large portion of the newly produced marine phytoplankton biomass is converted …
However, a large portion of the newly produced marine phytoplankton biomass is converted …
[HTML][HTML] Carbon budgets of Scotia Sea mesopelagic zooplankton and micronekton communities during austral spring
Zooplankton form an integral component of epi-and mesopelagic ecosystems, and there is a
need to better understand their role in ocean biogeochemistry. The export and …
need to better understand their role in ocean biogeochemistry. The export and …
The fate of biogenic iron during a phytoplankton bloom induced by natural fertilisation: Impact of copepod grazing
The impact of copepod grazing on Fe regeneration was investigated in a naturally iron-
fertilised area during Kerguelen Ocean and Plateau compared Study (KEOPS, Jan.–Feb …
fertilised area during Kerguelen Ocean and Plateau compared Study (KEOPS, Jan.–Feb …
Sinking particle properties from polyacrylamide gels during the KErguelen Ocean and Plateau compared Study (KEOPS): Zooplankton control of carbon export in an …
F Ebersbach, TW Trull - Limnology and Oceanography, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
The Kerguelen ocean and plateau compared study (KEOPS) examined the origin of
elevated phytoplankton biomass in naturally iron‐fertilized waters over the Kerguelen …
elevated phytoplankton biomass in naturally iron‐fertilized waters over the Kerguelen …
The role of zooplankton in establishing carbon export regimes in the southern ocean–a comparison of two representative case studies in the subantarctic region
Marine ecosystems regulate atmospheric carbon dioxide levels by transporting and storing
photosynthetically fixed carbon in the ocean's interior. In particular, the subantarctic and …
photosynthetically fixed carbon in the ocean's interior. In particular, the subantarctic and …
The seasonal succession of zooplankton in the Southern Ocean south of Australia, part I: the seasonal ice zone
BPV Hunt, GW Hosie - Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic …, 2006 - Elsevier
Between November 2001 and March 2002 an Australian/Japanese collaborative study
completed six passes of a transect line in the Seasonal-Ice Zone (south of 62° S) along 140° …
completed six passes of a transect line in the Seasonal-Ice Zone (south of 62° S) along 140° …
Micro-and mesozooplankton successions in an Antarctic coastal environment during a warm year
The rapid increase in atmospheric temperature detected in the last decades in the Western
Antarctic Peninsula was accompanied by a strong glacier retreat and an increase in …
Antarctic Peninsula was accompanied by a strong glacier retreat and an increase in …
Food web structure and bioregions in the Scotia Sea: a seasonal synthesis
P Ward, A Atkinson, HJ Venables, GA Tarling… - Deep Sea Research …, 2012 - Elsevier
Bioregionalisation, the partitioning of large ecosystems into functionally distinct sub-units,
facilitates ecosystem modelling, management and conservation. A variety of schemes have …
facilitates ecosystem modelling, management and conservation. A variety of schemes have …