Role of biofertilizers in conservation agriculture
In the present time, chemical fertilizers are more in practice for crop production which
affected the soil and environment quality. The higher amount of chemical inputs in …
affected the soil and environment quality. The higher amount of chemical inputs in …
Public–private partnership for convergence of extension services in Indian agriculture
After Green revolution, Indian agriculture has seen a paradigm shift in technology
development and dissemination. There is now an overflowing basket of goods and services …
development and dissemination. There is now an overflowing basket of goods and services …
Enhancing farmers income through farmers' producers companies in India: Status and roadmap
There is a growing optimism that the farmers' organizations can act as a potential driving
force for enhancing farmers' income. India has witnessed a positive growth of producer …
force for enhancing farmers' income. India has witnessed a positive growth of producer …
Factors contributing to the performance of farmer producer organizations (FPOs)-a study in Medak district of Telangana state
A study was conducted on the performance of FPOs and the factors contributing to
performance of FPOs in Medak district of Telangana State, India. Three FPOs were selected …
performance of FPOs in Medak district of Telangana State, India. Three FPOs were selected …
Climate change risk perception, adaptation and mitigation strategy: An extension outlook in mountain Himalaya
Climate change is becoming an ever increasing global threat which is difficult to ignore. The
major underlying cause is anthropogenic, ie excessive use of fossil fuels, destruction of …
major underlying cause is anthropogenic, ie excessive use of fossil fuels, destruction of …
[PDF][PDF] Extent of use of ICT tools by hill farmers and associated social factors
Hill farmers are the practitioners of complex, diverse and risk-prone agriculture. They are
also facing lack of information dissemination channels which causes a huge communication …
also facing lack of information dissemination channels which causes a huge communication …
[PDF][PDF] Overview of agritourism in India and world
DK Krishna, AK Sahoo - Food and Scientific Reports, 2020 - researchgate.net
Agritourism is the concept of visiting an agricultural, horticultural, animal husbandry or agri-
enterprise operations for the purpose of enjoyment, education, or active involvement in the …
enterprise operations for the purpose of enjoyment, education, or active involvement in the …
Towards the sustainable management of problematic soils in Northeast India
The northeast region is unique in its diversity of climate, crops and people. Jhum cultivation
is prevalent in the region for food production and sustaining livelihood. One major constraint …
is prevalent in the region for food production and sustaining livelihood. One major constraint …
[PDF][PDF] Rain water harvesting: a viable way to combat water crisis
S Mohanty, T Bardhan, A Dey - Food and Scientific …, 2020 - foodandscientificreports.com
As we all know water is essential, but too many of us think it is unlimited. In reality, fresh
water is a finite resource that is rapidly becoming scanty. The best way to conserve water is …
water is a finite resource that is rapidly becoming scanty. The best way to conserve water is …
Protecting non-basmati indigenous aromatic rice varieties of West Bengal, India under geographical indication: a critical consideration
5 and ARINDAM NAG61 RRS (Hill Zone), Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalimpong …
5 and ARINDAM NAG61 RRS (Hill Zone), Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalimpong …