eValue and Value‐driven User Responses to Information Technology

E Shumarova, PA Swatman - Electronic Markets, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
This paper explores eValue creation, assessment and distribution within communities joined
through the Web, and the possible implications on end‐user acceptance of information …

Information security policy compliance: A user acceptance perspective

A Al-Omari - 2012 - scholar.dsu.edu
Abstract Information security policy compliance is one of the key concerns that face
organizations today. Although, technical and procedural securities measures help improve …

[KNYGA][B] The dynamics of innovation in electronic networks: a system dynamics perspective on IT innovation diffusion

E Shumarova, PA Swatman - 2006 - researchgate.net
This paper analyses IT innovation diffusion within communities joined through electronic
networks. Emphasis is laid on qualitative system dynamics, as a methodology of structure …

Examining the post-adoptive infusion of mobile technology in a healthcare domain: determinants and outcomes

Y O'Connor - 2013 - cora.ucc.ie
The healthcare industry is beginning to appreciate the benefits which can be obtained from
using Mobile Health Systems (MHS) at the point-of-care. As a result, healthcare …

[PDF][PDF] Examining the post-adoptive infusion of mobile technology in a

Y O'Connor - 2013 - academia.edu
UCC Library and UCC researchers have made this item openly available. Please let us
know how this has helped you. Thanks! Downlo Page 1 UCC Library and UCC researchers …

[PDF][PDF] of Thesis: Emerging business models of the mobile Internet market

Z Hanbo - 2008 - netlab.tkk.fi
The study picks out the top twenty mobile Internet services present in the Finnish market on
the basis of a set of pre-defined criteria. The results of analysis indicate that generally …

[CITATA][C] Theoretical Overview of Various Business Model

G Malik