Interoceptive rhythms in the brain
Sensing internal bodily signals, or interoception, is fundamental to maintain life. However,
interoception should not be viewed as an isolated domain, as it interacts with exteroception …
interoception should not be viewed as an isolated domain, as it interacts with exteroception …
The past, present, and future of virtual and augmented reality research: a network and cluster analysis of the literature
The recent appearance of low cost virtual reality (VR) technologies–like the Oculus Rift, the
HTC Vive and the Sony PlayStation VR–and Mixed Reality Interfaces (MRITF)–like the …
HTC Vive and the Sony PlayStation VR–and Mixed Reality Interfaces (MRITF)–like the …
[Књига][B] Being you: A new science of consciousness
A Seth - 2021 - books.google.com
INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER A Best Book of 2021—Bloomberg Businessweek; A Best
Science Book of 2021—The Guardian; A Best Science Book of 2021—Financial Times; A …
Science Book of 2021—The Guardian; A Best Science Book of 2021—Financial Times; A …
Enhancing our lives with immersive virtual reality
Virtual reality (VR) started about 50 years ago in a form we would recognize today [stereo
head-mounted display (HMD), head tracking, computer graphics generated images] …
head-mounted display (HMD), head tracking, computer graphics generated images] …
[HTML][HTML] Visceral signals shape brain dynamics and cognition
Most research in cognitive neuroscience explores how external stimuli are processed by the
brain. However, the brain also receives input from the internal body. We discuss here how …
brain. However, the brain also receives input from the internal body. We discuss here how …
Being a beast machine: The somatic basis of selfhood
Modern psychology has long focused on the body as the basis of the self. Recently,
predictive processing accounts of interoception (perception of the body 'from within') have …
predictive processing accounts of interoception (perception of the body 'from within') have …
Virtual embodiment of white people in a black virtual body leads to a sustained reduction in their implicit racial bias
Virtual reality can be used to visually substitute a person's body by a life-sized virtual one.
Such embodiment results in a perceptual illusion of body ownership over the virtual body …
Such embodiment results in a perceptual illusion of body ownership over the virtual body …
Neurorobotic fusion of prosthetic touch, kinesthesia, and movement in bionic upper limbs promotes intrinsic brain behaviors
Bionic prostheses have restorative potential. However, the complex interplay between
intuitive motor control, proprioception, and touch that represents the hallmark of human …
intuitive motor control, proprioception, and touch that represents the hallmark of human …
Mentalizing homeostasis: The social origins of interoceptive inference
Is the self already relational in its very bodily foundations? The question of whether our
mental life is initially and primarily shaped by embodied dimensions of the individual or by …
mental life is initially and primarily shaped by embodied dimensions of the individual or by …
Immersive virtual reality and virtual embodiment for pain relief
A significant body of experimental evidence has demonstrated that it is possible to induce
the illusion of ownership of a fake limb or even an entire fake body using multisensory …
the illusion of ownership of a fake limb or even an entire fake body using multisensory …