[PDF][PDF] Exploitation of Security Risks in Solar Inverters through Remote Network Access

MZ Akram - 2023 - researchgate.net
Solar energy is embracing wide adoption as an alternative, cost effective and clean source
of energy. Solar inverter is a core component of solar energy solutions. Modern inverters …

Card skimming detection

B Yin, G Shyamala, NF Ghalaty - US Patent App. 17/808,005, 2023 - Google Patents
US20230410114A1 - Card skimming detection - Google Patents US20230410114A1 - Card
skimming detection - Google Patents Card skimming detection Download PDF Info Publication …

Desain Dan Implementasi Sistem Keamanan Mesin Anjungan Tunai Mandiri (atm) Menggunakan One-time Password (otp) Berbasis Sms Gateway

E Nurlaela, NBA Karna… - eProceedings …, 2019 - … .telkomuniversity.ac.id
Kasus kejahatan perbankan semakin meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, salah
satunya yaitu skimming (penyalinan) data atau informasi pada kartu ATM pengguna …