Interpreting and assessing confidence in network meta-analysis results: an introduction for clinicians
Purpose We aimed to provide clinicians with introductory guidance for interpreting and
assessing confidence in on Network meta-analysis (NMA) results. Methods We reviewed …
assessing confidence in on Network meta-analysis (NMA) results. Methods We reviewed …
Is network meta-analysis a revolutionary statistical tool for improving the reliability of clinical trial results? A brief overview and emerging issues arising
G Beis, I Papasotiriou - in vivo, 2023 - iv.iiarjournals.org
Network meta-analysis (NMA) as the quantification of pairwise meta-analysis in a network
format has been of particular interest to medical researchers in recent years. As a powerful …
format has been of particular interest to medical researchers in recent years. As a powerful …
Using individual participant data to improve network meta-analysis projects
A network meta-analysis combines the evidence from existing randomised trials about the
comparative efficacy of multiple treatments. It allows direct and indirect evidence about each …
comparative efficacy of multiple treatments. It allows direct and indirect evidence about each …
Infratentorial brain injury among patients suspected of death by neurologic criteria: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Background and Objectives There is a paucity of data on the frequency and prognosis of
infratentorial brain injury among patients suspected of death by neurologic criteria (DNC) …
infratentorial brain injury among patients suspected of death by neurologic criteria (DNC) …
Incorporating single‐arm evidence into a network meta‐analysis using aggregate level matching: assessing the impact
Increasingly, single‐armed evidence is included in health technology assessment
submissions when companies are seeking reimbursement for new drugs. While it is …
submissions when companies are seeking reimbursement for new drugs. While it is …
Systemic immunomodulatory treatments for atopic dermatitis: protocol for a systematic review with network meta-analysis
Introduction There are numerous new systemic treatments for atopic dermatitis in various
stages of development and most are being compared with placebo rather than active …
stages of development and most are being compared with placebo rather than active …
When does the use of individual patient data in network meta-analysis make a difference? A simulation study
Background The use of individual patient data (IPD) in network meta-analyses (NMA) is
rapidly growing. This study aimed to determine, through simulations, the impact of select …
rapidly growing. This study aimed to determine, through simulations, the impact of select …
Intra-arterial therapy for unresectable colorectal liver metastases: a meta-analysis
Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of hepatic arterial infusion (HAI), conventional transarterial
chemoembolization, drug-eluting embolic transarterial chemoembolization (DEE-TACE) …
chemoembolization, drug-eluting embolic transarterial chemoembolization (DEE-TACE) …
A review of the quantitative effectiveness evidence synthesis methods used in public health intervention guidelines
Background The complexity of public health interventions create challenges in evaluating
their effectiveness. There have been huge advancements in quantitative evidence synthesis …
their effectiveness. There have been huge advancements in quantitative evidence synthesis …
Comparing the use of aggregate data and various methods of integrating individual patient data to network meta-analysis and its application to first-line ART
Abstract Background The 2018 World Health Organization HIV guidelines were based on
the results of a network meta-analysis (NMA) of published trials. This study employed …
the results of a network meta-analysis (NMA) of published trials. This study employed …