Interpreting and assessing confidence in network meta-analysis results: an introduction for clinicians

A Yang, P Pechlivanoglou, K Aoyama - Journal of Anesthesia, 2022‏ - Springer
Purpose We aimed to provide clinicians with introductory guidance for interpreting and
assessing confidence in on Network meta-analysis (NMA) results. Methods We reviewed …

Is network meta-analysis a revolutionary statistical tool for improving the reliability of clinical trial results? A brief overview and emerging issues arising

G Beis, I Papasotiriou - in vivo, 2023‏ -
Network meta-analysis (NMA) as the quantification of pairwise meta-analysis in a network
format has been of particular interest to medical researchers in recent years. As a powerful …

Using individual participant data to improve network meta-analysis projects

RD Riley, S Dias, S Donegan, JF Tierney… - BMJ evidence-based …, 2023‏ -
A network meta-analysis combines the evidence from existing randomised trials about the
comparative efficacy of multiple treatments. It allows direct and indirect evidence about each …

Infratentorial brain injury among patients suspected of death by neurologic criteria: a systematic review and meta-analysis

J Neves Briard, G Plourde, R Nitulescu, JG Boyd… - Neurology, 2023‏ -
Background and Objectives There is a paucity of data on the frequency and prognosis of
infratentorial brain injury among patients suspected of death by neurologic criteria (DNC) …

Incorporating single‐arm evidence into a network meta‐analysis using aggregate level matching: assessing the impact

J Leahy, H Thom, JP Jansen, E Gray… - Statistics in …, 2019‏ - Wiley Online Library
Increasingly, single‐armed evidence is included in health technology assessment
submissions when companies are seeking reimbursement for new drugs. While it is …

Systemic immunomodulatory treatments for atopic dermatitis: protocol for a systematic review with network meta-analysis

AM Drucker, A Ellis, Z Jabbar-Lopez, ZZN Yiu… - BMJ open, 2018‏ -
Introduction There are numerous new systemic treatments for atopic dermatitis in various
stages of development and most are being compared with placebo rather than active …

When does the use of individual patient data in network meta-analysis make a difference? A simulation study

S Kanters, ME Karim, K Thorlund, A Anis… - BMC medical research …, 2021‏ - Springer
Background The use of individual patient data (IPD) in network meta-analyses (NMA) is
rapidly growing. This study aimed to determine, through simulations, the impact of select …

Intra-arterial therapy for unresectable colorectal liver metastases: a meta-analysis

JJ Zhao, E Tan, R Sultana, NL Syn… - Journal of Vascular and …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of hepatic arterial infusion (HAI), conventional transarterial
chemoembolization, drug-eluting embolic transarterial chemoembolization (DEE-TACE) …

A review of the quantitative effectiveness evidence synthesis methods used in public health intervention guidelines

EA Smith, NJ Cooper, AJ Sutton, KR Abrams… - BMC public health, 2021‏ - Springer
Background The complexity of public health interventions create challenges in evaluating
their effectiveness. There have been huge advancements in quantitative evidence synthesis …

Comparing the use of aggregate data and various methods of integrating individual patient data to network meta-analysis and its application to first-line ART

S Kanters, ME Karim, K Thorlund, AH Anis… - BMC medical research …, 2021‏ - Springer
Abstract Background The 2018 World Health Organization HIV guidelines were based on
the results of a network meta-analysis (NMA) of published trials. This study employed …