Nonlinear bending analysis of porous sigmoid FGM nanoplate via IGA and nonlocal strain gradient theory
This study explores the linear and nonlinear solutions of sigmoid functionally graded
material (S-FGM) nanoplate with porous effects. A size-dependent numerical solution is …
material (S-FGM) nanoplate with porous effects. A size-dependent numerical solution is …
Computer simulation via a couple of homotopy perturbation methods and the generalized differential quadrature method for nonlinear vibration of functionally graded …
X Huang, Y Zhang, Z Moradi, N Shafiei - Engineering with Computers, 2022 - Springer
In this paper, to improve the vibrational response of microstructures, the impact of the
nonlinear modal analysis of axially functionally graded (AFG) truncated conical micro-scale …
nonlinear modal analysis of axially functionally graded (AFG) truncated conical micro-scale …
Dynamic stability/instability simulation of the rotary size-dependent functionally graded microsystem
X Huang, H Hao, K Oslub, M Habibi… - Engineering with …, 2022 - Springer
In the current paper, vibrational and critical circular speed characteristics of a functionally
graded (FG) rotary microdisk is examined considering a continuum nonlocal model called …
graded (FG) rotary microdisk is examined considering a continuum nonlocal model called …
An iterative simulation algorithm for large oscillation of the applicable 2D-electrical system on a complex nonlinear substrate
X Huang, Y Zhu, P Vafaei, Z Moradi… - Engineering with …, 2022 - Springer
An iterative algorithm is a mathematical procedure that uses an initial value to generate a
sequence of improving approximate solutions for a class of problems, in which the n th …
sequence of improving approximate solutions for a class of problems, in which the n th …
A comprehensive computational approach for nonlinear thermal instability of the electrically FG-GPLRC disk based on GDQ method
MSH Al-Furjan, H Safarpour, M Habibi… - Engineering with …, 2022 - Springer
This is a fundamental study on the buckling temperature and post-buckling analysis of
functionally graded graphene nanoplatelet-reinforced composite (FG-GPLRC) disk covered …
functionally graded graphene nanoplatelet-reinforced composite (FG-GPLRC) disk covered …
A comprehensive mathematical simulation of the composite size-dependent rotary 3D microsystem via two-dimensional generalized differential quadrature method
H Liu, Y Zhao, M Pishbin, M Habibi, MO Bashir… - Engineering with …, 2022 - Springer
In this study, frequency simulation and critical angular velocity of a size-dependent
laminated rotary microsystem using modified couple stress theory (MCST) as the higher …
laminated rotary microsystem using modified couple stress theory (MCST) as the higher …
Application of exact continuum size-dependent theory for stability and frequency analysis of a curved cantilevered microtubule by considering viscoelastic properties
The stability analysis of cantilevered curved microtubules in axons regarding various size
elements and using the generalized differential quadrature method for solving equations is …
elements and using the generalized differential quadrature method for solving equations is …
A computational framework for propagated waves in a sandwich doubly curved nanocomposite panel
MSH Al-Furjan, M Habibi, DW Jung, S Sadeghi… - Engineering with …, 2022 - Springer
In the current report, characteristics of the propagated wave in a sandwich structure with a
soft core and multi-hybrid nanocomposite (MHC) face sheets are investigated. The higher …
soft core and multi-hybrid nanocomposite (MHC) face sheets are investigated. The higher …
Extremely large oscillation and nonlinear frequency of a multi-scale hybrid disk resting on nonlinear elastic foundation
This is a fundamental study on the nonlinear vibrations considering large amplitude in multi-
sized hybrid Nano-composites (MHC) disk (MHCD) relying on nonlinear elastic media and …
sized hybrid Nano-composites (MHC) disk (MHCD) relying on nonlinear elastic media and …
Chaotic simulation of the multi-phase reinforced thermo-elastic disk using GDQM
MSH Al-Furjan, M Habibi, A Rahimi, G Chen… - Engineering with …, 2020 - Springer
In this research, a mathematical derivation is made to develop a nonlinear dynamic model
for the nonlinear frequency and chaotic responses of the multi-scale hybrid nano-composite …
for the nonlinear frequency and chaotic responses of the multi-scale hybrid nano-composite …