[HTML][HTML] Buckling of quasi-perfect cylindrical shell under axial compression: a combined experimental and numerical investigation
Imperfections from manufacturing process can cause a scattered reduction of the load-
carrying capacity or buckling load of axially compressed cylindrical shell structures. To …
carrying capacity or buckling load of axially compressed cylindrical shell structures. To …
[HTML][HTML] Experimental validation of cylindrical shells under axial compression for improved knockdown factors
For cylindrical shells under axial compression, the essence of initial geometric imperfections
is the superposition of local out-of-plane deformations of various forms, which may facilitate …
is the superposition of local out-of-plane deformations of various forms, which may facilitate …
Numerically and experimentally predicted knockdown factors for stiffened shells under axial compression
Stiffened shells in launch vehicles are very sensitive to various forms of imperfections. In this
study, the imperfection sensitivity of a 4.5 m diam isogrid stiffened shell under axial …
study, the imperfection sensitivity of a 4.5 m diam isogrid stiffened shell under axial …
Robust design criterion for axially loaded cylindrical shells-Simulation and Validation
A currently used guideline for cylinder structures under axial compression is the NASA SP-
8007 which is based on empirical data from the 1960s. This guideline provides knock-down …
8007 which is based on empirical data from the 1960s. This guideline provides knock-down …
Buckling of cylindrical shells under axial compression with loading imperfections: An experimental and numerical campaign on low knockdown factors
Thin-walled cylindrical shells are primary structures in aerospace, marine and civil
engineering. A major loading scenario for these imperfection sensitive shells is axial …
engineering. A major loading scenario for these imperfection sensitive shells is axial …
Robust knockdown factors for the design of spherical shells under external pressure: Development and validation
In this paper a physically based and deterministic design procedure for spherical shells
under external pressure is introduced. Within the new design concept the membrane energy …
under external pressure is introduced. Within the new design concept the membrane energy …
Robust knockdown factors for the design of cylindrical shells under axial compression: potentials, practical application and reliability analysis
This paper overviews the efforts that led to new improved knockdown factors for the design
of cylindrical shells under axial compression. The corresponding design methods were …
of cylindrical shells under axial compression. The corresponding design methods were …
Probabilistic and deterministic lower-bound design benchmarks for cylindrical shells under axial compression
This article contains examples to demonstrate the use of different design concepts for
cylindrical shells under axial compression. The examples are based on shells which were …
cylindrical shells under axial compression. The examples are based on shells which were …
Isogeometric degenerated shell formulation for post-buckling analysis of composite variable-stiffness shells
Variable-stiffness (VS) laminated shells with curved fibers have gradually become a
promising lightweight structural concept in the aerospace field. However, as the complexity …
promising lightweight structural concept in the aerospace field. However, as the complexity …
Robust knockdown factors for the design of axially loaded cylindrical and conical composite shells–development and validation
The stability failure of the axially loaded cylindrical shell is considered as the last unresolved
classical stability problem, although it has been investigated for over 100 years. Therefore …
classical stability problem, although it has been investigated for over 100 years. Therefore …