Twenty years of progress, challenges, and opportunities in measuring and understanding soil respiration
Soil respiration (Rs), the soil‐to‐atmosphere flux of CO2, is a dominant but uncertain part of
the carbon cycle, even after decades of study. This review focuses on progress in …
the carbon cycle, even after decades of study. This review focuses on progress in …
AmeriFlux: its impact on our understanding of the 'breathing of the biosphere', after 25 years
For over two decades, the AmeriFlux network has quantified the breathing of the biosphere,
as defined by measuring the flux densities of carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange …
as defined by measuring the flux densities of carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange …
AmeriFlux BASE data pipeline to support network growth and data sharing
AmeriFlux is a network of research sites that measure carbon, water, and energy fluxes
between ecosystems and the atmosphere using the eddy covariance technique to study a …
between ecosystems and the atmosphere using the eddy covariance technique to study a …
Measuring carbon neutrality and exploring the threshold effects of its driving factors: Evidence from China
J Chen, S Weng, W Tao, M Song, L Zhang - Applied Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
With increasingly prominent of climate concerns, promoting carbon neutrality has become a
pressing issue. In contrast to most recent studies, which utilized a linear perspective and …
pressing issue. In contrast to most recent studies, which utilized a linear perspective and …
Phenology of photosynthesis in winter‐dormant temperate and boreal forests: Long‐term observations from flux towers and quantitative evaluation of phenology …
We examined the seasonality of photosynthesis in 46 evergreen needleleaf (evergreen
needleleaf forests (ENF)) and deciduous broadleaf (deciduous broadleaf forests (DBF)) …
needleleaf forests (ENF)) and deciduous broadleaf (deciduous broadleaf forests (DBF)) …
Gross primary production (GPP) and red solar induced fluorescence (SIF) respond differently to light and seasonal environmental conditions in a subalpine conifer …
Abstract (300 words) The phenology of montane conifer forests is likely to shift in response
to climate change and altered seasonal dynamics of light, temperature, and moisture. Solar …
to climate change and altered seasonal dynamics of light, temperature, and moisture. Solar …
Towards energy-balance closure with a model of dispersive heat fluxes
In the last decades the energy-balance-closure problem has been thoroughly investigated
from different angles, resulting in approaches to reduce but not completely close the surface …
from different angles, resulting in approaches to reduce but not completely close the surface …
The Kulbäcksliden Research Infrastructure: a unique setting for northern peatland studies
Boreal peatlands represent a biogeochemically unique and diverse environment in high-
latitude landscape. They represent a long-term globally significant sink for carbon dioxide …
latitude landscape. They represent a long-term globally significant sink for carbon dioxide …