Rethinking schizophrenia
TR Insel - Nature, 2010 - nature.com
How will we view schizophrenia in 2030? Schizophrenia today is a chronic, frequently
disabling mental disorder that affects about one per cent of the world's population. After a …
disabling mental disorder that affects about one per cent of the world's population. After a …
The NMDA receptor and schizophrenia: from pathophysiology to treatment
DT Balu - Advances in pharmacology, 2016 - Elsevier
Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness that affects almost 1% of the population worldwide.
Even though the etiology of schizophrenia is uncertain, it is believed to be a …
Even though the etiology of schizophrenia is uncertain, it is believed to be a …
Heritability of schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum based on the nationwide Danish twin register
R Hilker, D Helenius, B Fagerlund, A Skytthe… - Biological …, 2018 - Elsevier
Background Twin studies have provided evidence that both genetic and environmental
factors contribute to schizophrenia (SZ) risk. Heritability estimates of SZ in twin samples …
factors contribute to schizophrenia (SZ) risk. Heritability estimates of SZ in twin samples …
Large-scale genome-wide association analysis of bipolar disorder identifies a new susceptibility locus near ODZ4
Nature genetics, 2011 - nature.com
We conducted a combined genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 7,481 individuals
with bipolar disorder (cases) and 9,250 controls as part of the Psychiatric GWAS …
with bipolar disorder (cases) and 9,250 controls as part of the Psychiatric GWAS …
Examining the independent and joint effects of molecular genetic liability and environmental exposures in schizophrenia: results from the EUGEI study
Schizophrenia is a heritable complex phenotype associated with a background risk
involving multiple common genetic variants of small effect and a multitude of environmental …
involving multiple common genetic variants of small effect and a multitude of environmental …
Dendritic spine pathology in schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a neurodevelopmental disorder whose clinical features include
impairments in perception, cognition and motivation. These impairments reflect alterations in …
impairments in perception, cognition and motivation. These impairments reflect alterations in …
Incidence of schizophrenia and other psychoses in England, 1950–2009: a systematic review and meta-analyses
Background We conducted a systematic review of incidence rates in England over a sixty-
year period to determine the extent to which rates varied along accepted (age, sex) and less …
year period to determine the extent to which rates varied along accepted (age, sex) and less …
Schizophrenia as a complex trait: evidence from a meta-analysis of twin studies
Context There are many published twin studies of schizophrenia. Although these studies
have been reviewed previously, to our knowledge, no review has provided quantitative …
have been reviewed previously, to our knowledge, no review has provided quantitative …
Current findings and perspectives on aberrant neural oscillations in schizophrenia
There is now consistent evidence that neural oscillation at low‐and high‐frequencies
constitute an important aspect of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Specifically …
constitute an important aspect of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Specifically …
The heritability of bipolar affective disorder and the genetic relationship to unipolar depression
Background Twin studies of bipolar affective disorder (BPD) have either been small or have
not used explicit diagnostic criteria. There has been little use of genetic model fitting and no …
not used explicit diagnostic criteria. There has been little use of genetic model fitting and no …