[PDF][PDF] An overview of the Singularity project

G Hunt, JR Larus, M Abadi, M Aiken, P Barham… - 2005 - academia.edu
Singularity is a research project in Microsoft Research that started with the question: what
would a software platform look like if it was designed from scratch with the primary goal of …

[PDF][PDF] Resource containers: A new facility for resource management in server systems

G Banga, P Druschel, JC Mogul - OSDI, 1999 - usenix.org
General-purpose operating systems provide inadequate support for resource management
in large-scale servers. Applications lack sufficient control over scheduling and management …

An overview of the Rialto real-time architecture

MB Jones, DL McCulley, A Forin, PJ Leach… - Proceedings of the 7th …, 1996 - dl.acm.org
The goal of the Rialto project at Microsoft Research is to build a system architecture
supporting coexisting independent real-time (and non-real-time) programs. Unlike traditional …

A resource allocation model for QoS management

R Rajkumar, C Lee, J Lehoczky… - Proceedings Real-Time …, 1997 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Quality of service (QoS) has been receiving wide attention in many research communities
including networking, multimedia systems, real-time systems and distributed systems. In …

Enforcing performance isolation across virtual machines in xen

D Gupta, L Cherkasova, R Gardner… - ACM/IFIP/USENIX …, 2006 - Springer
Virtual machines (VMs) have recently emerged as the basis for allocating resources in
enterprise settings and hosting centers. One benefit of VMs in these environments is the …

On honey bees and dynamic server allocation in internet hosting centers

S Nakrani, C Tovey - Adaptive behavior, 2004 - journals.sagepub.com
Internet centers host services for e-banks, e-auctions and other clients. Hosting centers then
must allocate servers among clients to maximize revenue. The limited number of servers …

On the scheduling of mixed-criticality real-time task sets

D De Niz, K Lakshmanan… - 2009 30th IEEE Real …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The functional consolidation induced by the cost reduction trends in embedded systems can
force tasks of different criticality (eg ABS Brakes with DVD) to share a processor and …

QoS negotiation in real-time systems and its application to automated flight control

TF Atdelzater, EM Atkins… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2000 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Real-time middleware services must guarantee predictable performance under specified
load and failure conditions, and ensure graceful degradation when these conditions are …

CPU reservations and time constraints: Efficient, predictable scheduling of independent activities

MB Jones, D Roşu, MC Roşu - ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 1997 - dl.acm.org
Workstations and personal computers are increasingly being used for applications with real-
time characteristics such as speech understanding and synthesis, media computations and …

Cluster reserves: A mechanism for resource management in cluster-based network servers

M Aron, P Druschel, W Zwaenepoel - Proceedings of the 2000 ACM …, 2000 - dl.acm.org
In network (eg, Web) servers, it is often desirable to isolate the performance of different
classes of requests from each other. That is, one seeks to achieve that a certain minimal …