Implementation of digital twin for increasing efficiency of renewable energy sources
This paper presents an analysis of the instability of the electricity generation of renewable
energy sources (RESs), specifically Digital Twins of RESs. The first part deals with the …
energy sources (RESs), specifically Digital Twins of RESs. The first part deals with the …
Increasing technical efficiency of renewable energy sources in power systems
A Smolarz, P Lezhniuk, S Kudrya, V Komar, V Lysiak… - Energies, 2023 - mdpi.com
This paper presents a method for refining the forecast schedule of renewable energy
sources (RES) generation by its intraday adjustment and investigates the measures for …
sources (RES) generation by its intraday adjustment and investigates the measures for …
[HTML][HTML] Integrated Assessment of the Quality of Functioning of Local Electric Energy Systems
W Wójcik, P Lezhniuk, C Kaczmarek, V Komar, I Hunko… - Energies, 2025 - mdpi.com
This research demonstrates the possibility and expediency of forming local electric energy
systems (LEESs) based on renewable sources of energy (RSE) as balancing groups in the …
systems (LEESs) based on renewable sources of energy (RSE) as balancing groups in the …
Hydrogen technologies as a method of compensation for inequality of power generation by renewable energy sources
S Kudria, P Lezhniuk, O Riepkin… - … .№ 10: 1-6., 2022 - ir.lib.vntu.edu.ua
The method and methods of reserving the instability of the generation of renewable energy
sources (RES) in electric power systems (EPS) caused by weather conditions are analyzed …
sources (RES) in electric power systems (EPS) caused by weather conditions are analyzed …
Mathematical Model and Algorithm for the Determination of the Origin of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources in the Electric Power System
I Hunko, S Kudrya, V Komar, P Lezhniuk - Vidnovluvana energetika, 2024 - ve.org.ua
The article deals with the development of a method and algorithm for calculation of
individual compo-nents of electricity flows in the branches of an electric power grid circuit …
individual compo-nents of electricity flows in the branches of an electric power grid circuit …
[PDF][PDF] Criterion modeling of the process redundancy of renewable energy sources power generation instability by electrochemical accumulators
P Lezhniuk, V Komar, O Rubanenko - Computational Problems of …, 2021 - science.lpnu.ua
The paper analyzes the methods and ways for the redundancy of renewable energy sources
(RESs) instability in electric power systems (PS). It is shown that these can be maneuverable …
(RESs) instability in electric power systems (PS). It is shown that these can be maneuverable …
The renewable energy sources contribution to sustainable economic growth
V Vostriakova - 2021 IEEE 2nd KhPI Week on Advanced …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Since 1997, when the Kyoto Protocol was signed, the era of renewable energy has begun.
Due to the growth of its share in the total energy production and consumption, the world …
Due to the growth of its share in the total energy production and consumption, the world …
[PDF][PDF] Розосереджене генерування в задачах підвищення енергоефективності розподільних електричних мереж
В монографії досліджується проблема підвищення енергоефективності розподільних
електричних мереж з відновлюваними джерелами енергії. Розглянуто можливість …
електричних мереж з відновлюваними джерелами енергії. Розглянуто можливість …
[HTML][HTML] Ввод в работу автоматизированной системы коммерческого учета электроэнергии на Керченском металлургическом заводе
АЕ Савенко, ПС Савенко - Вестник Казанского …, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
ЦЕЛЬ. Проанализировать работу автоматизированной системы коммерческого и
технологического учета электроэнергии позволяющей снизить затраты на …
технологического учета электроэнергии позволяющей снизить затраты на …
[HTML][HTML] Внедрение АСУ для повышения надежности и эффективности работы рассредоточенных источников электроэнергии в энергетическом комплексе …
АЕ Савенко, АГ Рыбин - Вестник Казанского государственного …, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
ЦЕЛЬ. Рассмотреть особенности электроэнергетического комплекса Темрюкского
района. Оценить возможность модернизации с использованием технологии SMART …
района. Оценить возможность модернизации с использованием технологии SMART …