The phase field method for geometric moving interfaces and their numerical approximations
This chapter surveys recent numerical advances in the phase field method for geometric
surface evolution and related geometric nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) …
surface evolution and related geometric nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) …
Phase separation in biological membranes: integration of theory and experiment
Lipid bilayer model membranes that contain a single lipid species can undergo transitions
between ordered and disordered phases, and membranes that contain a mixture of lipid …
between ordered and disordered phases, and membranes that contain a mixture of lipid …
Efficient linear schemes with unconditional energy stability for the phase field elastic bending energy model
In this paper, we study efficient numerical schemes of the classical phase field elastic
bending energy model that has been widely used to describe the shape deformation of …
bending energy model that has been widely used to describe the shape deformation of …
Multiple scalar auxiliary variable (MSAV) approach and its application to the phase-field vesicle membrane model
We consider in this paper gradient flows with disparate terms in the free energy that cannot
be efficiently handled with the scalar auxiliary variable (SAV) approach, and we develop the …
be efficiently handled with the scalar auxiliary variable (SAV) approach, and we develop the …
Phase-field modeling of the dynamics of multicomponent vesicles: Spinodal decomposition, coarsening, budding, and fission
We develop a thermodynamically consistent phase-field model to simulate the dynamics of
multicomponent vesicles. The model accounts for bending stiffness, spontaneous curvature …
multicomponent vesicles. The model accounts for bending stiffness, spontaneous curvature …
Modeling and computation of two phase geometric biomembranes using surface finite elements
Biomembranes consisting of multiple lipids may involve phase separation phenomena
leading to coexisting domains of different lipid compositions. The modeling of such …
leading to coexisting domains of different lipid compositions. The modeling of such …
Numerical approximations of the Navier–Stokes equation coupled with volume-conserved multi-phase-field vesicles system: fully-decoupled, linear, unconditionally …
X Yang - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and …, 2021 - Elsevier
We consider the numerical approximation of the flow-coupled multi-phase-field elastic
bending energy model of lipid vesicles. Based on the classical model with approximate …
bending energy model of lipid vesicles. Based on the classical model with approximate …
A novel fully-decoupled, second-order time-accurate, unconditionally energy stable scheme for a flow-coupled volume-conserved phase-field elastic bending energy …
X Yang - Journal of Computational Physics, 2021 - Elsevier
Different from the classical phase-field elastic bending model of lipid vesicles that uses a
penalty term to conserve volume approximately, in this paper, a new model with accurate …
penalty term to conserve volume approximately, in this paper, a new model with accurate …
Phase-field modeling of individual and collective cell migration
Cell motion is crucial in human health and development. Cells may migrate individually or in
highly coordinated groups. Cell motion results from complex intra-and extra-cellular …
highly coordinated groups. Cell motion results from complex intra-and extra-cellular …
Fully discrete discontinuous Galerkin numerical scheme with second-order temporal accuracy for the hydrodynamically coupled lipid vesicle model
In this paper, for the highly nonlinear hydrodynamically coupled elastic bending energy
model of vesicle membranes, based on the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for spatial …
model of vesicle membranes, based on the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for spatial …