[HTML][HTML] Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning for BIM

D Bassir, H Lodge, H Chang, J Majak… - International Journal for …, 2023 - ijsmdo.org
Quality control is very important aspect in Building Information Modelling (BIM) workflows.
Whatever stage of the lifecycle it is important to get and to follow building indicators. The BIM …

[PDF][PDF] International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering

AM Alqudah, H Alquraan, IA Qasmieh, A Alqudah… - International …, 2019 - arxiv.org
Deep Learning is the newest and the current trend of the machine learning field that paid a
lot of the researchers' attention in the recent few years. As a proven powerful machine …

[PDF][PDF] Optimal power scheduling for economic dispatch using moth flame optimizer

NF Ramli, NAM Kamari… - Indones J Electr Eng …, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This paper proposes the optimal generator allocation to solve Economic Dispatch (ED)
problem in power system using Moth Flame Optimizer (MFO). With this approach, the …

[PDF][PDF] Whale Optimization Algorithm Based Optimal Capacitor Sizing in Distribution Systems for Power Loss Reduction

M Ammirrul, AM Zainuri, MH Mohd, MF Ibrahim… - J. Electrical …, 2024 - researchgate.net
Due to the increasing global demand for electricity, the use of distributed generators (DG)
has become prevalent in power systems in recent years. DG provides numerous benefits …

A Review of Optimization Approach to Power Flow Tracing in a Deregulated Power System

MA Tijani, GA Adepoju, KA Hamzat… - Arid Zone Journal of …, 2019 - azojete.com.ng
Abstract Power Flow Tracing (PFT) is known to be the best method in the allocation of
charges to users of transmission systems, generators and loads, in a deregulated …

[PDF][PDF] A hybrid Approach for economic power dispatch

M Younes, RL Kherfane, F Khodja - Djillali Liabes University, 2013 - wseas.com
In this paper, a novel hybrid optimization algorithm, which combines a firefly algorithms and
Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (FFA-ABC), is proposed for solving the economic power …

Improved Sheep Flock Heredity Algorithm‐Based Optimal Pricing of RP

P Booma Devi, B Jayapalan… - Smart Grids for Smart …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
One of the rapidly growing research fields in the power system is most favorable cost
allocation. Wind Farms (WFs) have been promoted as a cost‐effective and long‐term …

Reactive power cost estimation in wind farms using hybridized iterative optimal power flow estimation and a novel load tracing

PB Devi, A Shunmugalatha - Journal of Computational and …, 2015 - ingentaconnect.com
Reactive power plays a vital role in the real power transfer by maintaining voltage stability
and system reliability. Wind farms (WFs) have been promoted as a viable and sustainable …

Optimization technique based power flow tracing in deregulated power system

S Chellam, S Kalyani - Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 2014 - go.gale.com
Conventional power flow tracing methods face the problem of matrix inversion. The solution
will be indeterminate and undefined due to the application of singular matrix. This paper …

Gestão otimizada de cargas em microgrids

JMC Eduardo - 2015 - sapientia.ualg.pt
A fim de alcançar uma redução de custo da energia elétrica e maximizar o potencial de
investimentos feitos em fontes renováveis, um mecanismo de otimização deve ser usado …