[HTML][HTML] Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning for BIM
Quality control is very important aspect in Building Information Modelling (BIM) workflows.
Whatever stage of the lifecycle it is important to get and to follow building indicators. The BIM …
Whatever stage of the lifecycle it is important to get and to follow building indicators. The BIM …
[PDF][PDF] International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
AM Alqudah, H Alquraan, IA Qasmieh, A Alqudah… - International …, 2019 - arxiv.org
Deep Learning is the newest and the current trend of the machine learning field that paid a
lot of the researchers' attention in the recent few years. As a proven powerful machine …
lot of the researchers' attention in the recent few years. As a proven powerful machine …
[PDF][PDF] Optimal power scheduling for economic dispatch using moth flame optimizer
NF Ramli, NAM Kamari… - Indones J Electr Eng …, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This paper proposes the optimal generator allocation to solve Economic Dispatch (ED)
problem in power system using Moth Flame Optimizer (MFO). With this approach, the …
problem in power system using Moth Flame Optimizer (MFO). With this approach, the …
[PDF][PDF] Whale Optimization Algorithm Based Optimal Capacitor Sizing in Distribution Systems for Power Loss Reduction
M Ammirrul, AM Zainuri, MH Mohd, MF Ibrahim… - J. Electrical …, 2024 - researchgate.net
Due to the increasing global demand for electricity, the use of distributed generators (DG)
has become prevalent in power systems in recent years. DG provides numerous benefits …
has become prevalent in power systems in recent years. DG provides numerous benefits …
A Review of Optimization Approach to Power Flow Tracing in a Deregulated Power System
Abstract Power Flow Tracing (PFT) is known to be the best method in the allocation of
charges to users of transmission systems, generators and loads, in a deregulated …
charges to users of transmission systems, generators and loads, in a deregulated …
[PDF][PDF] A hybrid Approach for economic power dispatch
In this paper, a novel hybrid optimization algorithm, which combines a firefly algorithms and
Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (FFA-ABC), is proposed for solving the economic power …
Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (FFA-ABC), is proposed for solving the economic power …
Improved Sheep Flock Heredity Algorithm‐Based Optimal Pricing of RP
P Booma Devi, B Jayapalan… - Smart Grids for Smart …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
One of the rapidly growing research fields in the power system is most favorable cost
allocation. Wind Farms (WFs) have been promoted as a cost‐effective and long‐term …
allocation. Wind Farms (WFs) have been promoted as a cost‐effective and long‐term …
Reactive power cost estimation in wind farms using hybridized iterative optimal power flow estimation and a novel load tracing
PB Devi, A Shunmugalatha - Journal of Computational and …, 2015 - ingentaconnect.com
Reactive power plays a vital role in the real power transfer by maintaining voltage stability
and system reliability. Wind farms (WFs) have been promoted as a viable and sustainable …
and system reliability. Wind farms (WFs) have been promoted as a viable and sustainable …
Optimization technique based power flow tracing in deregulated power system
Conventional power flow tracing methods face the problem of matrix inversion. The solution
will be indeterminate and undefined due to the application of singular matrix. This paper …
will be indeterminate and undefined due to the application of singular matrix. This paper …
Gestão otimizada de cargas em microgrids
JMC Eduardo - 2015 - sapientia.ualg.pt
A fim de alcançar uma redução de custo da energia elétrica e maximizar o potencial de
investimentos feitos em fontes renováveis, um mecanismo de otimização deve ser usado …
investimentos feitos em fontes renováveis, um mecanismo de otimização deve ser usado …