In vivo delivery, pharmacokinetics, biodistribution and toxicity of iron oxide nanoparticles
Iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) have been extensively used during the last two decades,
either as effective bio-imaging contrast agents or as carriers of biomolecules such as drugs …
either as effective bio-imaging contrast agents or as carriers of biomolecules such as drugs …
Recent advances in conjugated microporous polymers for photocatalysis: designs, applications, and prospects
S Luo, Z Zeng, G Zeng, Z Liu, R **ao, P Xu… - Journal of Materials …, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
Solar energy is a clean and sustainable energy source. Natural photosynthesis has existed
for millions of years, which can convert solar energy into chemical energy needed by living …
for millions of years, which can convert solar energy into chemical energy needed by living …
Glass transition temperature from the chemical structure of conjugated polymers
The glass transition temperature (T g) is a key property that dictates the applicability of
conjugated polymers. The T g demarks the transition into a brittle glassy state, making its …
conjugated polymers. The T g demarks the transition into a brittle glassy state, making its …
High thermal conductivity in amorphous polymer blends by engineered interchain interactions
Thermal conductivity is an important property for polymers, as it often affects product
reliability (for example, electronics packaging), functionality (for example, thermal interface …
reliability (for example, electronics packaging), functionality (for example, thermal interface …
Melt-quenched glasses of metal–organic frameworks
Crystalline solids dominate the field of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), with access to the
liquid and glass states of matter usually prohibited by relatively low temperatures of thermal …
liquid and glass states of matter usually prohibited by relatively low temperatures of thermal …
Metal-organic framework glasses with permanent accessible porosity
To date, only several microporous, and even fewer nanoporous, glasses have been
produced, always via post synthesis acid treatment of phase separated dense materials, eg …
produced, always via post synthesis acid treatment of phase separated dense materials, eg …
Comb and bottlebrush polymers with superior rheological and mechanical properties
M Abbasi, L Faust, M Wilhelm - Advanced Materials, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Comb and bottlebrush polymers present a wide range of rheological and mechanical
properties that can be controlled through their molecular characteristics, such as the …
properties that can be controlled through their molecular characteristics, such as the …
Decoupling segmental relaxation and ionic conductivity for lithium-ion polymer electrolytes
The use of polymer electrolytes instead of liquid organic systems is considered key for
enhancing the safety of lithium batteries and may, in addition, enable the transition to high …
enhancing the safety of lithium batteries and may, in addition, enable the transition to high …
Competing effects of cohesive energy and cross-link density on the segmental dynamics and mechanical properties of cross-linked polymers
To develop structure–property relationships for cross-linked thermosetting polymers, it is
crucial to better understand key factors that control their segmental dynamics and …
crucial to better understand key factors that control their segmental dynamics and …
Thermally stable thin film composite polymeric membranes for water treatment: A review
Demand for hot water treatment has opened up broad new areas of research for fabricating
thermally stable polymer membranes. In multiple industrial applications, the contaminated …
thermally stable polymer membranes. In multiple industrial applications, the contaminated …