[HTML][HTML] Leveraging deep neural networks for estimating Vickers hardness from nanoindentation hardness
This research presents a comprehensive analysis of deep neural network models (DNNs)
for the precise prediction of Vickers hardness (HV) in nitrided and carburized M50NiL steel …
for the precise prediction of Vickers hardness (HV) in nitrided and carburized M50NiL steel …
Mechanical properties of thermally sprayed porous alumina coating by Vickers and Knoop indentation
Depending on the thermal spraying conditions, coatings obtained can present different
defects, like pores, cracks and/or unmelted particles, and different surface roughnesses, that …
defects, like pores, cracks and/or unmelted particles, and different surface roughnesses, that …
Influence of tip defect and indenter shape on the mechanical properties determination by indentation of a TiB2–60% B4C ceramic composite
Instrumented indentation is very useful to determine the elastic modulus and hardness of
materials. To obtain reliable values of the mechanical properties, the measurement of the …
materials. To obtain reliable values of the mechanical properties, the measurement of the …
Mechanical properties of ceramics by indentation: Principle and applications
Mechanical properties such as hardness, bulk modulus, tensile properties and toughness of
massive ceramics and adhesion or cohesion of ceramic coatings can be determined by …
massive ceramics and adhesion or cohesion of ceramic coatings can be determined by …
Morphological and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite bilayer coatings deposited on 316L SS by sol–gel method
The present paper reports on the influence of the addition of TiO 2 and SiO 2 oxides as sub-
layer, on the morphological and mechanical properties of the hydroxyapatite (HAP) …
layer, on the morphological and mechanical properties of the hydroxyapatite (HAP) …
Nanoindentation: Unload-to-load work ratio analysis in amorphous carbon films for mechanical properties
In many applications and in particular those requiring protective coatings, material
characterization in terms of mechanical properties is of importance. The most appropriate …
characterization in terms of mechanical properties is of importance. The most appropriate …
Correlation between hardness and stress in Al–(Nb, Mo, Ta) thin films
The thin films of Al x Nb 1− x (95≥ x≥ 20), Al x Mo x (90≥ x≥ 20) and Al x Ta 1− x (95≥
x≥ 20) were prepared by magnetron codeposition at room temperature. The average film …
x≥ 20) were prepared by magnetron codeposition at room temperature. The average film …
The hardness of the hydroxyapatite-titania bilayer coatings by microindentation and nanoindentation testing
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of the addition of titania (TiO 2) inner-layer
on the morphological and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite (HAP) bioceramic …
on the morphological and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite (HAP) bioceramic …
Tribology research trends in Italy
E Ciulli - Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical …, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
This article furnishes a survey of recent investigations and of the current tribology research
trends in Italy. Several topics related to tribology are investigated in several different …
trends in Italy. Several topics related to tribology are investigated in several different …
Comparison of three methods for determining Vickers hardness by instrumented indentation testing
J Wang - Materials Testing, 2017 - degruyter.com
59 (2017) 10 lyze the accuracy of three instrumented indentation test methods commonly
used to define Vickers hardness (ie, ISO [15], Kang [18, 19] and Ma methods [21]) …
used to define Vickers hardness (ie, ISO [15], Kang [18, 19] and Ma methods [21]) …