Women in gender equality movement: a systematic literature review

SS Aulia, Marzuki, Suyato, I Arpannudin - Frontiers in Sociology, 2024 - frontiersin.org
This study employs a rigorous Systematic Literature Review (SLR) methodology to examine
the role of women's leadership in advancing social movements for gender equality. Utilizing …

Not just about representative: When democracy needs females and their competency to run Indonesian government public relations to management level

R Kriyantono, R Ida, GTI Tawakkal, R Safitri - Heliyon, 2022 - cell.com
The democratic era has promoted transparency, public participation, and open access on
public information, therefore, public relations is considered an integral part of the democratic …

Konsep Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Tentang Kepastian Usia Prespektif Kedewasaan Perkawinan

D Setiyawan, DA Kurniawan - JATIJAJAR LAW REVIEW, 2023 - ejournal.unimugo.ac.id
There is still a discrepancy between the marriage boundaries between the KHI and the
Marriage Law which can affect the chances of leniency in applying for a marriage …

Right of Women In The Family Law; Zakir Naik Perspective

A Manaf - Jurnal Hukum Islam, 2022 - e-journal.uingusdur.ac.id
Zakir Naik is a phenomenal muslim preacher who also gives his thoughts on women's rights.
According to Zakir Naik, women actually have an equal position with men even though the …

Counter-hegemony of the East Java Biennale art community against the domination of hoax content reproduction

J Kristiyono, R Ida, M Mashud - Masyarakat, Kebudayaan Dan …, 2020 - repository.unair.ac.id
This research analyses and describes in detail how the digital biennale activities that are a
part of the Indonesian Digital arts community has become a form of criticism and silent …

Political parties' portrayal attempts in creating an image of Aceh's women politicians

A Mardhiah, C Puspasari, A Anismar… - Jurnal Studi …, 2022 - ejournal.unitomo.ac.id
This study aims to provide an overview of political imagery done by political parties for their
female politicians. The constructivist paradigm with a descriptive qualitative approach is …

Consensus as democratic education on the village consultative body election in Bangkalan

YW Harimurti, EM Fauzan, I Yulianingsih… - Journal of Social Studies …, 2020 - jsser.org
This study aims to discuss democracy education practice on electing members of the Village
Consultative Body in the Regency of Bangkalan–Indonesia. Through this study, the authors …

Snow White's Characterization in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Vera Southgate and Regis Maine: A Comparison from Liberal Feminists' Perspectives

KLMN Riris, PB Diana… - International Journal of …, 2023 - ejournal.undiksha.ac.id
Women in society experienced unequal treatment due to their genders which aroused
women's actions to fight for opportunities. The ideology of feminism concerns the life …

Women and Coffee Shops: Negotiation of The Identity of Modernity and Piety in the Sharia Public Space

M Siregar - International Journal of Social Science and …, 2023 - ejournal.undiksha.ac.id
Women often get discriminatory treatment in public spaces. Especially in a still strong
patriarchal culture, women cannot move in public spaces. There are several studies on the …

The right to participate in political and decision-making process under the Maputo protocol: Normative masculinity and Nigerian women

O Eni, MU Nnam, EA Udu - The Age of Human …, 2022 - revistaselectronicas.ujaen.es
The birth of the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa otherwise known as Maputo
Protocol was meant to overcome the shortcomings of the African Charter on Human Rights …