Luminescence as a sediment tracer and provenance tool
Luminescence holds unique potential as a sediment tracer and provenance method. The
tracer application of luminescence has key advantages including ease of measurement …
tracer application of luminescence has key advantages including ease of measurement …
A novel approach to quantify sediment transfer and storage in rivers—testing feldspar single‐grain pIRIR analysis and numerical simulations
Quantifying sediment transport and storage in fluvial systems is fundamental for
understanding the transfer of eroded materials from source to sink. Here, we investigated the …
understanding the transfer of eroded materials from source to sink. Here, we investigated the …
Sediment Transit Time and Floodplain Storage Dynamics in Alluvial Rivers Revealed by Meteoric 10Be
Quantifying the time scales of sediment transport and storage through river systems is
fundamental for understanding weathering processes, biogeochemical cycling, and …
fundamental for understanding weathering processes, biogeochemical cycling, and …
Illuminating past river incision, sediment source and pathways using luminescence signals of individual feldspar grains (Rangitikei River, New Zealand)
Single‐grain post‐infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (SG‐pIRIR) of feldspar has
recently been introduced as a method to date Quaternary deposits. The method is …
recently been introduced as a method to date Quaternary deposits. The method is …
Revisiting a proof of concept in quartz-OSL bleaching processes using sands from a modern-day river (the Séveraisse, French Alps).
Conditions of sediment transport and deposition in highly dynamic fluvio-glacial
environments enhance incomplete bleaching of luminescence signals during sunlight …
environments enhance incomplete bleaching of luminescence signals during sunlight …
[HTML][HTML] Differential bleaching of quartz and feldspar luminescence signals under high-turbidity conditions
Sediment burial dating using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is a well-established
tool in geochronology. An important but often inapplicable requirement for its successful use …
tool in geochronology. An important but often inapplicable requirement for its successful use …
Which geomorphic processes can be informed by luminescence measurements?
Luminescence signals from quartz and feldspar contain a wealth of information about
exposure to heat and sunlight. While many studies have focused on quantifying individual …
exposure to heat and sunlight. While many studies have focused on quantifying individual …
Luminescence dating in fluvial settings: Overcoming the challenge of partial bleaching
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is a versatile technique that utilises the two
most ubiquitous minerals on Earth (quartz or K-feldspar) for constraining the timing of …
most ubiquitous minerals on Earth (quartz or K-feldspar) for constraining the timing of …
[HTML][HTML] Novel luminescence diagnosis of storm deposition across intertidal environments
Salt marshes provide valuable nature-based, low-cost defences protecting against coastal
flooding and erosion. Storm sedimentation can improve the resilience of salt marshes to …
flooding and erosion. Storm sedimentation can improve the resilience of salt marshes to …
Single grain K-feldspar MET-IRSL sediment transport determination: bleaching patterns and rates
This paper describes ways that Infra-Red Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) signals from K-
feldspar grains can be used to determine patterns and rates of sediment transport. In …
feldspar grains can be used to determine patterns and rates of sediment transport. In …