[HTML][HTML] Open innovation in the manufacturing industry: A review and research agenda
In today's competitive world, globalization touches all industries. The open innovation (OI)
paradigm has garnered increasing importance in academic research and industrial …
paradigm has garnered increasing importance in academic research and industrial …
Open eco-innovation: A bibliometric review of emerging research
The growing concern about the environmental future of the Planet urges us to foster eco-
innovation research and implementation in companies. Access to external knowledge, R&D …
innovation research and implementation in companies. Access to external knowledge, R&D …
Do sustainability innovation and firm competitiveness help improve firm performance? Evidence from the SME sector in Vietnam
This study unfolds the nexus between sustainability innovation, firm performance of small-
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by exploring the mediating role of firm …
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by exploring the mediating role of firm …
Understanding the implications of equity crowdfunding on sustainability-oriented innovation and changes in agri-food systems: Insights into an open innovation …
Sustainability may be a substantial competitive advantage for agri-food systems. Consumers
increasingly demand that agri-food companies be more focused on sustainability's three …
increasingly demand that agri-food companies be more focused on sustainability's three …
[HTML][HTML] Sustainability in tourism as an innovation driver: An analysis of family business reality
Sustainable tourism can be the motivation to manage resources to satisfy environmental,
social and economic needs through cultural integrity, biological diversity, ecological …
social and economic needs through cultural integrity, biological diversity, ecological …
Innovation and environmental, social, and governance factors influencing sustainable business models-Meta-analysis
The article summarizes the state of knowledge in the field of factors affecting sustainable
business models of enterprises, with particular emphasis on non-financial factors, ESG …
business models of enterprises, with particular emphasis on non-financial factors, ESG …
[HTML][HTML] Open and sustainable: An emerging frontier in innovation management?
The concepts of openness and sustainability have both enjoyed an increasing popularity in
recent scientific literature. However, research has yet to fully utilize their combination and the …
recent scientific literature. However, research has yet to fully utilize their combination and the …
[HTML][HTML] Technology transfer challenges in asymmetric alliances between high-technology and low-technology firms
Low-technology firms face an increasingly disruptive innovation landscape as new
legislation and changing market demands force them to dramatically reduce emission levels …
legislation and changing market demands force them to dramatically reduce emission levels …
[HTML][HTML] A bibliometric analysis and systematic review on E-marketplaces, open innovation, and sustainability
In recent years, the rise of e-commerce has prompted the emergence of electronic
marketplaces, or e-marketplaces, which act as intermediaries in the buying and selling …
marketplaces, or e-marketplaces, which act as intermediaries in the buying and selling …
Open innovation for sustainable transition: The case of Enel “open power”
Only in the last years, Sustainable Open Innovation has become a unique issue from the
convergence between the concept of Open Innovation and sustainability as well as a …
convergence between the concept of Open Innovation and sustainability as well as a …