Fire performance of modular wall panels: Numerical analysis

D Perera, K Poologanathan, P Gatheeshgar, IR Upasiri… - Structures, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Modular Building System (MBS) is increasingly popular and promoted due to
the inherent advantages over conventional construction. Fire performance of a building has …

Fire resistance of 3D printed concrete composite wall panels exposed to various fire scenarios

T Suntharalingam, I Upasiri, P Gatheeshgar… - Journal of Structural …, 2021 -
Purpose Fire safety of a building is becoming a prominent consideration due to the recent
fire accidents and the consequences in terms of loss of life and property damage. ISO 834 …

[PDF][PDF] An investigation of the potential for fire-resistance improvement of Pinus patula cross-laminated timber.

AM Mathenjwa - 2024 -
Recent architectural trends include the design and construction of tall or multi-storey
buildings using woodbased materials. Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is one of the …

Evaluation of unprotected steel beam temperature during fire using CFD simulation

P Magdolenová - MATEC Web of Conferences, 2021 -
Fire resistance of building construction is essential part of the design process. Thermal
loading of loadbearing elements can be obtained by using simplified standard fire curve or …

Ulming i konstruksjonsvirke som følge av ekstern branneksponering-Forsøk med krysslaminert-trevirke

M Dypå - 2023 -
Det er et mål å erstatte klimaskadelige byggemateriale med klimavennlig råstoff som kan
defineres som grønne, fornybare og bærekraftige. Det blir stadig mer populært å føre opp …

Evaluation of BIM-based workflows in fire safety engineering

J Hesz, G Érces, B Nagy - Védelem Tudomány a Katasztrófavédelem …, 2021 -
Building information modelling and management (BIM) is a process supported by various
tools, applications and technologies involving the generation, optimization, and …

Körülüreges födémpalló termikus vizsgálata és modellezése

É Lublóy, V Hlavička, B Nagy, LG Balázs - Védelem Tudomány a …, 2018 -
A körüreges födémpallók kedvelt szerkezeti elemek, hiszen nagy teherbírású elemeket lehet
létrehozni viszonylag kis szerkezeti súllyal. A bennük található üregek miatt azonban …

[การอ้างอิง][C] Fire performance of affordable and high quality steel modular building systems

KDN Perera - 2022 - Northumbria University