The 12 September 2016 ML5.8 midcrustal earthquake in the Korean Peninsula and its seismic implications
The seismicity in the Korean Peninsula has increased since the 2011 Mw9. 0 Tohoku‐Oki
megathrust earthquake. Two strike‐slip earthquakes with magnitudes of ML5. 1 and 5.8 …
megathrust earthquake. Two strike‐slip earthquakes with magnitudes of ML5. 1 and 5.8 …
Time-advanced occurrence of moderate-size earthquakes in a stable intraplate region after a megathrust earthquake and their seismic properties
The distance-dependent coseismic and postseismic displacements produced by the 2011
MW 9.0 Tohoku-Oki megathrust earthquake caused medium weakening and stress …
MW 9.0 Tohoku-Oki megathrust earthquake caused medium weakening and stress …
Forward waveform modelling procedure for 1-D crustal velocity structure and its application to the southern Korean Peninsula
We propose a full-grid search procedure for broad-band waveform modelling to determine a
1-D crustal velocity model. The velocity model can be more constrained because of the use …
1-D crustal velocity model. The velocity model can be more constrained because of the use …
Seismic evidence for reverse activation of a paleo-rifting system in the East Sea (Sea of Japan)
The Japanese Islands were separated from the Eurasian plate due to continental rifting
during the Oligocene to mid-Miocene, which caused the opening of the East Sea (Sea of …
during the Oligocene to mid-Miocene, which caused the opening of the East Sea (Sea of …
Illuminating the North Korean nuclear explosion test in 2017 using remote infrasound observations
North Korea conducted its sixth underground nuclear explosion test (6.3) on 2017
September 3. The underground explosion produced substantial low-frequency atmospheric …
September 3. The underground explosion produced substantial low-frequency atmospheric …
Spatiotemporal seismicity evolution and seismic hazard potentials in the western East Sea (Sea of Japan)
The earthquakes in the western East Sea (Sea of Japan) mostly occur in the continental
margin off the east coast of the Korean Peninsula. The seismic hazard potentials in and …
margin off the east coast of the Korean Peninsula. The seismic hazard potentials in and …
Moho Depth and Crustal VP/VS Variation in Southern Korea from Teleseismic Receiver Functions: Implication for Tectonic Affinity between the Korean Peninsula …
We estimated Moho depths and VP/VS ratios of the crust under 21 broadband stations in
southern Korea by using a grid search in the crustal thickness–VP/VS ratio (H-κ) domain …
southern Korea by using a grid search in the crustal thickness–VP/VS ratio (H-κ) domain …
Probabilistic analysis of the Korean historical earthquake records
Seismic‐hazard assessment for earthquakes with long recurrence intervals requires long
earthquake records. Historical records for seismic damage can complement instrumental …
earthquake records. Historical records for seismic damage can complement instrumental …
Seismological constraints on the collision belt between the North and South China blocks in the Yellow Sea
The Korean Peninsula, eastern China and the Yellow Sea comprise the eastern Eurasian
plate, and are believed to share considerable tectonic evolution history. The tectonic …
plate, and are believed to share considerable tectonic evolution history. The tectonic …
Long-term evolution of intraplate seismicity in stress shadows after a megathrust
Megathrusts produce large permanent lithospheric displacements as well as strong transient
ground shaking up to regional distances. The influence of the 2011 M9. 0 Tohoku-Oki …
ground shaking up to regional distances. The influence of the 2011 M9. 0 Tohoku-Oki …