Cooperative quantum phenomena in light-matter platforms
Quantum cooperativity is evident in light-matter platforms where quantum-emitter ensembles
are interfaced with confined optical modes and are coupled via the ubiquitous …
are interfaced with confined optical modes and are coupled via the ubiquitous …
Cold-strontium laser in the superradiant crossover regime
Today's narrowest linewidth lasers are limited by mirror motion in the reference optical
resonator used to stabilize the laser's frequency. Recent proposals suggest that …
resonator used to stabilize the laser's frequency. Recent proposals suggest that …
Emerging dissipative phases in a superradiant quantum gas with tunable decay
Exposing a many-body system to external drives and losses can transform the nature of its
phases and opens perspectives for engineering new properties of matter. How such …
phases and opens perspectives for engineering new properties of matter. How such …
Active optical frequency standards using cold atoms: perspectives and challenges
We consider various approaches to the creation of a high-stability active optical frequency
standard, where the atomic ensemble itself produces a highly stable and accurate frequency …
standard, where the atomic ensemble itself produces a highly stable and accurate frequency …
Phase synchronization inside a superradiant laser
Superradiant lasers may soon achieve state-of-the-art frequency purity, with linewidths of 1
mHz or less. In a superradiant (or bad-cavity) laser, coherence is primarily stored in the …
mHz or less. In a superradiant (or bad-cavity) laser, coherence is primarily stored in the …
Continuous momentum state lasing and cavity frequency-pinning with laser-cooled strontium atoms
VM Schäfer, Z Niu, JRK Cline, DJ Young… - ar** of the optical clock transition in alkaline-earth atoms with minimal perturbation
A suitable scheme to continuously create inversion on an optical clock transition with
negligible perturbation is a key missing ingredient required to build an active optical atomic …
negligible perturbation is a key missing ingredient required to build an active optical atomic …
Steady-state subradiance manipulated by the two-atom decay
We investigate theoretically the collective radiance characteristics of an atomic ensemble
with the simultaneous decay of two atoms. We show that the two-atom decay can …
with the simultaneous decay of two atoms. We show that the two-atom decay can …
Spin-wave multiplexed atom-cavity electrodynamics
We introduce multiplexed atom-cavity quantum electrodynamics with an atomic ensemble
coupled to a single optical cavity mode. Multiple Raman dressing beams establish cavity …
coupled to a single optical cavity mode. Multiple Raman dressing beams establish cavity …
Electromagnetically induced transparency in inhomogeneously broadened solid media
We study, theoretically and experimentally, electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT)
in two different solid-state systems. Unlike many implementations in homogeneously …
in two different solid-state systems. Unlike many implementations in homogeneously …