Work‐family research: A review and next steps

TD Allen, KA French - Personnel Psychology, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Our review highlights key contributions to the work‐family literature, including research
published in Personnel Psychology. We review foundational key constructs (eg, work‐family …

Barriers and facilitators to physical activity for young adult women: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative literature

B Peng, JYY Ng, AS Ha - International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and …, 2023 - Springer
Background Physical activity (PA) has many benefits in preventing diseases and
maintaining physical and mental health. Women, in particular, can benefit from regular PA …

Work-life balance: An integrative review

MJ Sirgy, DJ Lee - Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2018 - Springer
Based on a thorough review of the literature we introduce an integrated conceptualization of
work-life balance involving two key dimensions: engagement in work life and nonwork life …

Disentangling the relationship between gender and work–family conflict: An integration of theoretical perspectives using meta-analytic methods.

KM Shockley, W Shen, MM DeNunzio… - Journal of applied …, 2017 -
Implicit in many discussions of work–family issues is the idea that managing the work–family
interface is more challenging for women than men. We address whether this intuition is …

Leader development across the lifespan: A dynamic experiences-grounded approach

Z Liu, S Venkatesh, SE Murphy, RE Riggio - The Leadership Quarterly, 2021 - Elsevier
Previous research has established leader development as an ongoing process across the
entire lifespan. Experience, especially on-the-job experience, has been increasingly …

Crafting your career: How career competencies relate to career success via job crafting

J Akkermans, M Tims - Applied Psychology, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
This study aimed to investigate whether career competencies could enhance an employee's
subjective career success in terms of perceived employability and work–home balance via …

A meta‐analysis of the antecedents of work–family enrichment

LM Lapierre, Y Li, HK Kwan… - Journal of …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
This study meta‐analytically examined theoretically derived antecedents of both directions
of work–family enrichment (sometimes labeled facilitation or positive spillover), namely, work …

Lean in-women, work and the will to lead

S Sandberg - 2015 -
When Prabhakar invited me to do a Book Review and shared the topic 'Research and its
applications in HR'as the core theme for this edition of the Journal, I could straight away …

The pains and pleasures of parenting: When, why, and how is parenthood associated with more or less well-being?

SK Nelson, K Kushlev, S Lyubomirsky - Psychological bulletin, 2014 -
The relationship between parenthood and well-being has become a hot topic among
scholars, media, and general public alike. The research, however, has been mixed—some …

A resource perspective on the work–home interface: The work–home resources model.

LL Ten Brummelhuis, AB Bakker - American psychologist, 2012 -
The objective of this article is to provide a theoretical framework explaining positive and
negative work–home processes integrally. Using insights from conservation of resources …