Comparison of constrained unscented and cubature Kalman filters for nonlinear system parameter identification

J Cao, ST Quek, H **ong, Z Yang - Journal of Engineering …, 2023 -
Accurate and efficient parameter identification along with uncertainty quantification in
nonlinear systems is crucial for enabling practical and reliable structural health monitoring …

An online data-driven approach for performance prediction of electro-hydrostatic actuator with thermal-hydraulic modeling

S Nie, J Gao, Z Ma, F Yin, H Ji - Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator (EHA) plays an essential part in power-by-wire
(PBW) systems due to its compact volume and high power density ratio. However, it is fairly …

A digital twin-based framework for multi-element seismic hybrid simulation of structures

F Mokhtari, A Imanpour - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a digital twin-based multi-element hybrid simulation (DMHS)
framework to predict the nonlinear cyclic response of structural components (digital twin), eg …

Online explicit model updating of nonlinear viscous dampers for real time hybrid simulation

S Al-Subaihawi, JM Ricles, SE Quiel - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake …, 2022 - Elsevier
Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) is a testing method by which a structural system is
divided into analytical and experimental substructures. This paper proposes a methodology …

Research and application progress in hybrid testing of engineering structures

B WU, Z WANG, G XU, G YANG… - Engineering …, 2022 -
Hybrid testing of engineering structures, which combines physical tests and online
numerical simulations, can benefit from the advantages of both sides in an economical way …

An EGO-based online model updating method for hybrid simulation

W Zhong, Z Chen, C Chen, C Liu, M Li, J Wang - Engineering Structures, 2024 - Elsevier
Hybrid simulation combines experimentally testing of physical substructures with
computational simulation of numerical substructures to replicate structural responses under …

Robust actuator dynamics compensation method for real-time hybrid simulation

X Ning, Z Wang, H Zhou, B Wu, Y Ding, B Xu - Mechanical Systems and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) is a practical, cost-effective, and versatile experimental
technique to evaluate structural performance under dynamic excitation. The simulated …

Evaluation of frequency evaluation index based compensation for benchmark study in real-time hybrid simulation

W Xu, C Chen, T Guo, M Chen - Mechanical Systems and Signal …, 2019 - Elsevier
Actuator control plays an essential role to achieve stable and accurate real-time hybrid
simulation (RTHS) results. Delay compensation is often used to minimize the …

Performance of unscented Kalman filter for model updating with experimental data

M Cheng, TC Becker - Earthquake Engineering & Structural …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is one of the most widely used algorithms for identifying
and updating numerical model parameters. When updating from experimental data, the UKF …