Universal computation by multiparticle quantum walk

AM Childs, D Gosset, Z Webb - Science, 2013‏ - science.org
A quantum walk is a time-homogeneous quantum-mechanical process on a graph defined
by analogy to classical random walk. The quantum walker is a particle that moves from a …

Two-body physics in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model

M Di Liberto, A Recati, I Carusotto, C Menotti - Physical Review A, 2016‏ - APS
We consider two interacting bosons in a dimerized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) lattice. We
identify a rich variety of two-body states. In particular, for open boundary conditions and …

Synthetic gauge theories based on parametric excitations of trapped ions

O Bǎzǎvan, S Saner, E Tirrito, G Araneda… - Communications …, 2024‏ - nature.com
Resource efficient schemes for the quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories can benefit
from hybrid encodings of gauge and matter fields that use the native degrees of freedom …

Interaction-induced analog of a non-Hermitian skin effect in a lattice two-body problem

AN Poddubny - Physical Review B, 2023‏ - APS
We present a theoretical study of the quantum states of two repelling spinless particles in a
one-dimensional tight-binding model with a simple periodic lattice and open boundary …

Bosonic orbital Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model in a lattice of rings

E Nicolau, AM Marques, J Mompart, RG Dias… - Physical Review A, 2023‏ - APS
We study the topological properties of interacting and noninteracting bosons loaded in the
orbital angular momentum states l= 1 in a lattice of rings with alternating distances. At the …

Observation of pair tunneling and coherent destruction of tunneling in arrays of optical waveguides

S Mukherjee, M Valiente, N Goldman, A Spracklen… - Physical Review A, 2016‏ - APS
We report on the experimental realization of a photonic system that simulates the one-
dimensional two-particle Hubbard model. This analogy is realized by means of two …

Arbitrary synthetic dimensions via multiboson dynamics on a one-dimensional lattice

D Cheng, B Peng, DW Wang, X Chen, L Yuan… - Physical Review …, 2021‏ - APS
The synthetic dimension, a research topic of both fundamental significance and practical
applications, has been attracting increasing attention in recent years. In this paper, we …

Out-of-equilibrium states and quasi-many-body localization in polar lattice gases

L Barbiero, C Menotti, A Recati, L Santos - Physical Review B, 2015‏ - APS
The absence of energy dissipation leads to an intriguing out-of-equilibrium dynamics for
ultracold polar gases in optical lattices, characterized by the formation of dynamically bound …

Exact edge, bulk, and bound states of finite topological systems

CW Duncan, P Öhberg, M Valiente - Physical Review B, 2018‏ - APS
Finite topologically nontrivial systems are characterized, among many other unique
properties, by the presence of bound states at their physical edges. These topological edge …

Two-body bound and edge states in the extended SSH Bose-Hubbard model

M Di Liberto, A Recati, I Carusotto, C Menotti - The European Physical …, 2017‏ - Springer
We study the bosonic two-body problem in a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger dimerized chain with on-
site and nearest-neighbor interactions. We find two classes of bound states. The first, similar …