Relay selection with network coding in two-way relay channels

Y Li, RHY Louie, B Vucetic - IEEE Transactions on Vehicular …, 2010‏ -
In this paper, we consider the design of joint network coding (NC) and relay selection (RS) in
two-way relay channels. In the proposed schemes, two users first sequentially broadcast …

Decode-and-forward two-way relaying with network coding and opportunistic relay selection

QF Zhou, Y Li, FCM Lau… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2010‏ -
In this paper, we study a decode-and-forward two-way relaying network. We propose an
opportunistic two-way relaying (O-TR) scheme based on joint network coding and …

Multiuser two-way relaying: detection and interference management strategies

M Chen, A Yener - IEEE Transactions on Wireless …, 2009‏ -
We consider a multiuser two-way relay network where multiple pairs of users communicate
with their preassigned partners, using a common intermediate relay node, in a two-phase …

Relay selection schemes and performance analysis approximations for two-way networks

S Atapattu, Y **g, H Jiang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2013‏ -
This paper studies relay selection schemes for two-way amplify-and-forward (AF) relay
networks. For a network with two users that exchange information via multiple AF relays, we …

A two-step approach to power allocation for OFDM signals over two-way amplify-and-forward relay

YU Jang, ER Jeong, YH Lee - IEEE Transactions on Signal …, 2010‏ -
A two-way relay channel (TWRC) in which two terminals T 1 and T 2 exchange orthogonal
frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals with the help of an amplify-and-forward (AF) …

Performance analysis of bidirectional communication protocols based on decode-and-forward relaying

P Liu, IM Kim - IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2010‏ -
We study and compare the performance of three very typical bidirectional communication
protocols based on the decode-and-forward relaying: time-division broadcast (TDBC) …

On the study of half-duplex asymmetric two-way relay transmission using an amplify-and-forward relay

X Ji, B Zheng, Y Cai, L Zou - IEEE transactions on vehicular …, 2012‏ -
This paper studies the information-theoretic metric of outage probability for a half-duplex
asymmetric two-way amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying. Unlike current research activities …

A relay selection scheme for two-way amplify-and-forward relay networks

Y **g - … Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal …, 2009‏ -
A relay selection (RS) scheme for two-way networks with multiple amplify-and-forward relays
is proposed. The scheme maximizes the worse receive signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the two …

Optimum design of energy harvesting relay for two-way decode-and-forward relay networks under max–min and max-sum criterions

MC Ju, HC Yang - IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2019‏ -
We study the optimum design of an energy harvesting relay for two-way decode-and-forward
(DF) relay networks. In the networks, the relay harvests energy as well as decodes …

Max-min optimal joint power control and distributed beamforming for two-way relay networks under per-node power constraints

Y **g, S ShahbazPanahi - IEEE Transactions on Signal …, 2012‏ -
This paper deals with optimal joint user power control and relay distributed beamforming for
two-way relay networks, where two end-users exchange information through multiple relays …