The HDOCK server for integrated protein–protein docking
Abstract The HDOCK server (http://hdock. phys. hust. edu. cn/) is a highly integrated suite of
homology search, template-based modeling, structure prediction, macromolecular docking …
homology search, template-based modeling, structure prediction, macromolecular docking …
Protein–protein docking: Past, present, and future
S Sunny, PB Jayaraj - The protein journal, 2022 - Springer
The biological significance of proteins attracted the scientific community in exploring their
characteristics. The studies shed light on the interaction patterns and functions of proteins in …
characteristics. The studies shed light on the interaction patterns and functions of proteins in …
Computational enzyme engineering pipelines for optimized production of renewable chemicals
To enable a sustainable supply of chemicals, novel biotechnological solutions are required
that replace the reliance on fossil resources. One potential solution is to utilize tailored …
that replace the reliance on fossil resources. One potential solution is to utilize tailored …
Native ion mobility-mass spectrometry reveals the formation of β-barrel shaped amyloid-β hexamers in a membrane-mimicking environment
The mechanisms behind the Amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide neurotoxicity in Alzheimer's disease are
intensely studied and under debate. One suggested mechanism is that the peptides …
intensely studied and under debate. One suggested mechanism is that the peptides …
GalaxyRefine2: simultaneous refinement of inaccurate local regions and overall protein structure
The 3D structure of a protein can be predicted from its amino acid sequence with high
accuracy for a large fraction of cases because of the availability of large quantities of …
accuracy for a large fraction of cases because of the availability of large quantities of …
Building structural models of a whole mycoplasma cell
Building structural models of entire cells has been a long-standing cross-discipline
challenge for the research community, as it requires an unprecedented level of integration …
challenge for the research community, as it requires an unprecedented level of integration …
Gene products and processes contributing to lanthanide homeostasis and methanol metabolism in Methylorubrum extorquens AM1
P Roszczenko-Jasińska, HN Vu, GA Subuyuj… - Scientific Reports, 2020 -
Lanthanide elements have been recently recognized as “new life metals” yet much remains
unknown regarding lanthanide acquisition and homeostasis. In Methylorubrum extorquens …
unknown regarding lanthanide acquisition and homeostasis. In Methylorubrum extorquens …
In silico identification of Tretinoin as a SARS-CoV-2 envelope (E) protein ion channel inhibitor
Viroporins are oligomeric, pore forming, viral proteins that play critical roles in the life cycle
of pathogenic viruses. Viroporins like HIV-1 Vpu, Alphavirus 6 K, Influenza M2, HCV p7, and …
of pathogenic viruses. Viroporins like HIV-1 Vpu, Alphavirus 6 K, Influenza M2, HCV p7, and …
[HTML][HTML] Enhancing the hydrolytic activity of a lipase towards larger triglycerides through lid domain engineering
Lipases have valuable potential for industrial use, particularly those mostly active against
water-insoluble substrates, such as triglycerides composed of long-carbon chain fatty acids …
water-insoluble substrates, such as triglycerides composed of long-carbon chain fatty acids …
Viral rhodopsins 1 are an unique family of light-gated cation channels
Phytoplankton is the base of the marine food chain as well as oxygen and carbon cycles and
thus plays a global role in climate and ecology. Nucleocytoplasmic Large DNA Viruses that …
thus plays a global role in climate and ecology. Nucleocytoplasmic Large DNA Viruses that …