A note on the excess entry theorem in spatial markets
T Matsumura, M Okamura - International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2006 - Elsevier
Vickrey [Vickrey, WS, 1964. Microstatics, Harcourt, Brace and World, New York] shows that
the number of firms entering is excessive in his circle model of product differentiation. We …
the number of firms entering is excessive in his circle model of product differentiation. We …
The effects of zoning in spatial competition
H Hamoudi, M Risueño - Journal of Regional Science, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
This paper considers a location model to illustrate the effect of zoning on competition. A
planner is in charge of designing a city in a circular space where firms and consumers are …
planner is in charge of designing a city in a circular space where firms and consumers are …
[HTML][HTML] Cournot and Bertrand in ship** models with circular markets
We investigate two ship** (delivered pricing) duopoly models with circular markets,
Cournot and Bertrand. In the Cournot model, maximal distance between two firms becomes …
Cournot and Bertrand. In the Cournot model, maximal distance between two firms becomes …
How market interactions shape the city structure
N Malykhin, P Ushchev - Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018 - Elsevier
We develop a spatial monopolistic competition model in which city structure formation is
entirely driven by market interactions. When preferences and transport costs are described …
entirely driven by market interactions. When preferences and transport costs are described …
[HTML][HTML] Equilibrium existence in the linear model: concave versus convex transportation costs
We focus on the general linear‐quadratic transportation costs in the linear model. Earlier
results have shown that no pure‐strategy price equilibrium exists for whatever firm locations …
results have shown that no pure‐strategy price equilibrium exists for whatever firm locations …
[KNYGA][B] The Geography of Competition
JR Miron - 2010 - Springer
This book focuses on three questions. First, what are the impacts of location decisions of
firms—by affecting prices in various markets—on the locations of their customers, suppliers …
firms—by affecting prices in various markets—on the locations of their customers, suppliers …
[HTML][HTML] The game equilibrium of scientific crowdsourcing solvers based on the Hotelling model
G Wang, L Yu - Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Scientific crowdsourcing, which can effectively obtain wisdom from solvers, has become a
new type of open innovation to address worldwide scientific and research problems. In the …
new type of open innovation to address worldwide scientific and research problems. In the …
[HTML][HTML] Revisiting price equilibrium existence in the linear‐city model of spatial competition
H Hamoudi, MS Martín‐Bustamante - Papers in Regional Science, 2011 - Elsevier
This paper focuses on the analysis of price equilibrium in a two‐stage game within the linear‐
city model of spatial competition. Assuming a convex linear‐quadratic transport cost function …
city model of spatial competition. Assuming a convex linear‐quadratic transport cost function …
Optimal product differentiation in a circular model
Q Gong, Q Liu, Y Zhang - Journal of Economics, 2016 - Springer
Since circular model was introduced in Salop (Bell J Econ 10: 141–156, 1979), it has been
the workhorse for analyzing spatial competition among differentiated firms. A common …
the workhorse for analyzing spatial competition among differentiated firms. A common …
Spatial agglomeration or dispersion under Cournot‐Bertrand competition
HC Chen, SM Liu, SC Lin - The Manchester School, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
This research explores the equilibria of a spatial model with consumers having finite
reservation prices and two firms under Cournot‐Bertrand competition. We find three types of …
reservation prices and two firms under Cournot‐Bertrand competition. We find three types of …