The role of memory in creative ideation
Creativity reflects the remarkable human capacity to produce novel and effective ideas.
Empirical work suggests that creative ideas do not just emerge out of nowhere but typically …
Empirical work suggests that creative ideas do not just emerge out of nowhere but typically …
The process definition of creativity
The “standard” definition of creativity as novel and useful describes creative products, but
creativity is constituted by processes. This misalignment contributes to the oft-noted …
creativity is constituted by processes. This misalignment contributes to the oft-noted …
The plasticity of well-being: A training-based framework for the cultivation of human flourishing
Research indicates that core dimensions of psychological well-being can be cultivated
through intentional mental training. Despite growing research in this area and an increasing …
through intentional mental training. Despite growing research in this area and an increasing …
Interoceptive awareness skills for emotion regulation: Theory and approach of mindful awareness in body-oriented therapy (MABT)
CJ Price, C Hooven - Frontiers in psychology, 2018 - frontiersin.org
Emotion regulation involves a coherent relationship with the self, specifically effective
communication between body, mind, and feelings. Effective emotion regulation involves the …
communication between body, mind, and feelings. Effective emotion regulation involves the …
Creative cognition and brain network dynamics
Creative thinking is central to the arts, sciences, and everyday life. How does the brain
produce creative thought? A series of recently published papers has begun to provide …
produce creative thought? A series of recently published papers has begun to provide …
[КНИГА][B] The neuroscience of creativity
A Abraham - 2018 - books.google.com
What happens in our brains when we compose a melody, write a poem, paint a picture, or
choreograph a dance sequence? How is this different from what occurs in the brain when …
choreograph a dance sequence? How is this different from what occurs in the brain when …
Toward a neurocognitive framework of creative cognition: The role of memory, attention, and cognitive control
Highlights•We outline a neurocognitive framework of creative cognition.•It focuses on the
role of memory, attention, and cognitive control.•It integrates evidence from cognitive and …
role of memory, attention, and cognitive control.•It integrates evidence from cognitive and …
An investigation of the cognitive and neural correlates of semantic memory search related to creative ability
Creative ideas likely result from searching and combining semantic memory knowledge, yet
the mechanisms acting on memory to yield creative ideas remain unclear. Here, we …
the mechanisms acting on memory to yield creative ideas remain unclear. Here, we …
Reconstructing and deconstructing the self: cognitive mechanisms in meditation practice
Scientific research highlights the central role of specific psychological processes, in
particular those related to the self, in various forms of human suffering and flourishing. This …
particular those related to the self, in various forms of human suffering and flourishing. This …
[HTML][HTML] Metacontrol of human creativity: The neurocognitive mechanisms of convergent and divergent thinking
Creativity is a complex construct that would benefit from a more comprehensive mechanistic
approach. Two processes have been defined to be central to creative cognition: divergent …
approach. Two processes have been defined to be central to creative cognition: divergent …