Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Pelanggan Terbaik Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product

VMM Siregar, S Sonang… - Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik …, 2021 -
This study aims to overcome the problem of selecting the best customer at Pematangsiantar
Subur Graphic Printing. For the smooth running of the printing business, Subur Graphics …

Aplikasi E-Kelurahan Untuk Peningkatan Pelayanan Administrasi Dalam Mendukung Penerapan E-Government

A Syaputra - MATRIK: Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik …, 2021 -
Pemanfaatan teknologi tepat guna pada kelurahan akan meningkatkan kualitas peran
kelurahan sebagai pusat pemerintahan tingkat terendah yang melayani masyarakat, hal itu …

Sistem Informasi Administrasi Pinjaman (Kredit) Pada Credo Union Modifikasi (CUM) Berbasis Web

VMM Siregar, E Damanik… - Jurnal Tekinkom …, 2021 -
Modified Union credo is a cooperative-type business entity owned by a group of people in a
unifying bond, which agrees to invest their money (shares) so as to create joint capital with …

Penerapan Data Mining Pemasaran Produk Menggunakan Metode Clustering

M Melladia, DE Putra, L Muhelni - Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik …, 2022 -
This study aims to build a data mining application that is able to classify products marketed
by companies to find out the products needed for the following month. This application …

Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kelayakan Pemberian Pinjaman Kredit Menggunakan Metode Topsis Pada Cum Caritas Hkbp Pematangsiantar

S Sonang, AT Purba… - Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik …, 2020 -
This research was conducted to solve the problem of decision making to determine the
feasibility of giving loans to CUM Caritas HKBP Pematangsiantar. The applicant's …

The role of BUMDes in Community Empowerment in Salamjaya Village, Pabuaran District, Subang Regency

W Achmad, I Fadlurrohim - JISIP (Jurnal Ilmu Sosial …, 2023 -
Abstract BUMdes (Village Owned Enterprises) is a village business institution managed by
the community and village government in an effort to strengthen the economy and is formed …

Sistem Informasi Pembayaran SPP Pada SMK Swasta Teladan Tanah Jawa Menggunakan Vb. Net

H Sugara, E Sirait, MA Hanafiah… - … (Teknik Informasi dan …, 2020 -
The purpose of this study was to design a tuition payment accounting information system
using Vb. Net which aims to simplify and accelerate the Teladan Tanah Jawa private …

E-Booking Salon Kecantikan Menggunakan Metode Ucd (User Centered Design) Pada Maria Studio Beauty

DS Sitinjak, TH Sinaga… - Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik …, 2021 -
Abstract Development business beauty business is currently growing rapidly with following
changes technology and method look somebody to style life, good women nor man always …

Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Gangguan Kejiwaan Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining Berbasis Web

Y Yuliana, N Noviyanti - Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik Informasi …, 2021 -
According to WHO, mental health is a physical condition of a person's sense of well-being,
so that there is the ability to manage the normal stresses of life, to be able to work …

Rancang bangun sistem informasi presensi pegawai dengan memanfaatkan metode pengembangan prototype

E Meilinda - Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik Informasi dan …, 2021 -
The diligence of employees is an important factor for agencies and businesses to achieve
their goals, it is related to discipline and affects the work performance of each employee …