Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Pelanggan Terbaik Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product
This study aims to overcome the problem of selecting the best customer at Pematangsiantar
Subur Graphic Printing. For the smooth running of the printing business, Subur Graphics …
Subur Graphic Printing. For the smooth running of the printing business, Subur Graphics …
Aplikasi E-Kelurahan Untuk Peningkatan Pelayanan Administrasi Dalam Mendukung Penerapan E-Government
A Syaputra - MATRIK: Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik …, 2021 -
Pemanfaatan teknologi tepat guna pada kelurahan akan meningkatkan kualitas peran
kelurahan sebagai pusat pemerintahan tingkat terendah yang melayani masyarakat, hal itu …
kelurahan sebagai pusat pemerintahan tingkat terendah yang melayani masyarakat, hal itu …
Sistem Informasi Administrasi Pinjaman (Kredit) Pada Credo Union Modifikasi (CUM) Berbasis Web
Modified Union credo is a cooperative-type business entity owned by a group of people in a
unifying bond, which agrees to invest their money (shares) so as to create joint capital with …
unifying bond, which agrees to invest their money (shares) so as to create joint capital with …
Penerapan Data Mining Pemasaran Produk Menggunakan Metode Clustering
This study aims to build a data mining application that is able to classify products marketed
by companies to find out the products needed for the following month. This application …
by companies to find out the products needed for the following month. This application …
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kelayakan Pemberian Pinjaman Kredit Menggunakan Metode Topsis Pada Cum Caritas Hkbp Pematangsiantar
S Sonang, AT Purba… - Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik …, 2020 -
This research was conducted to solve the problem of decision making to determine the
feasibility of giving loans to CUM Caritas HKBP Pematangsiantar. The applicant's …
feasibility of giving loans to CUM Caritas HKBP Pematangsiantar. The applicant's …
The role of BUMDes in Community Empowerment in Salamjaya Village, Pabuaran District, Subang Regency
W Achmad, I Fadlurrohim - JISIP (Jurnal Ilmu Sosial …, 2023 -
Abstract BUMdes (Village Owned Enterprises) is a village business institution managed by
the community and village government in an effort to strengthen the economy and is formed …
the community and village government in an effort to strengthen the economy and is formed …
Sistem Informasi Pembayaran SPP Pada SMK Swasta Teladan Tanah Jawa Menggunakan Vb. Net
The purpose of this study was to design a tuition payment accounting information system
using Vb. Net which aims to simplify and accelerate the Teladan Tanah Jawa private …
using Vb. Net which aims to simplify and accelerate the Teladan Tanah Jawa private …
E-Booking Salon Kecantikan Menggunakan Metode Ucd (User Centered Design) Pada Maria Studio Beauty
DS Sitinjak, TH Sinaga… - Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik …, 2021 -
Abstract Development business beauty business is currently growing rapidly with following
changes technology and method look somebody to style life, good women nor man always …
changes technology and method look somebody to style life, good women nor man always …
Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Gangguan Kejiwaan Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining Berbasis Web
According to WHO, mental health is a physical condition of a person's sense of well-being,
so that there is the ability to manage the normal stresses of life, to be able to work …
so that there is the ability to manage the normal stresses of life, to be able to work …
Rancang bangun sistem informasi presensi pegawai dengan memanfaatkan metode pengembangan prototype
E Meilinda - Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik Informasi dan …, 2021 -
The diligence of employees is an important factor for agencies and businesses to achieve
their goals, it is related to discipline and affects the work performance of each employee …
their goals, it is related to discipline and affects the work performance of each employee …