[HTML][HTML] Development of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 as a Phototrophic Cell Factory

Y Yu, L You, D Liu, W Hollinshead, YJ Tang, F Zhang - Marine drugs, 2013‏ - mdpi.com
Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) play profound roles in ecology and biogeochemistry. One
model cyanobacterial species is the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC …

Nitrogen chlorosis in unicellular cyanobacteria–a developmental program for surviving nitrogen deprivation

K Forchhammer, R Schwarz - Environmental Microbiology, 2019‏ - Wiley Online Library
Cyanobacteria evolved sophisticated mechanisms allowing them to cope with
environmental depletion of combined nitrogen. Here, we describe progress in …

Comparative Analysis of the Primary Transcriptome of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

M Kopf, S Klähn, I Scholz, JKF Matthiessen… - DNA …, 2014‏ - academic.oup.com
RNA-seq and especially differential RNA-seq-type transcriptomic analyses (dRNA-seq) are
powerful analytical tools, as they not only provide insights into gene expression changes but …

Impaired glycogen synthesis causes metabolic overflow reactions and affects stress responses in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

M Gründel, R Scheunemann, W Lockau… - …, 2012‏ - microbiologyresearch.org
The biosynthesis of glycogen or starch is one of the main strategies developed by living
organisms for the intracellular storage of carbon and energy. In phototrophic organisms …

CRISPR interference as a titratable, trans-acting regulatory tool for metabolic engineering in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002

GC Gordon, TC Korosh, JC Cameron, AL Markley… - Metabolic …, 2016‏ - Elsevier
Trans-acting regulators provide novel opportunities to study essential genes and regulate
metabolic pathways. We have adapted the clustered regularly interspersed palindromic …

Awakening of a dormant cyanobacterium from nitrogen chlorosis reveals a genetically determined program

A Klotz, J Georg, L Bučinská, S Watanabe, V Reimann… - Current Biology, 2016‏ - cell.com
The molecular and physiological mechanisms involved in the transition of microbial cells
from a resting state to the active vegetative state are critically relevant for solving problems in …

Nutrient-controlled niche differentiation of western Lake Erie cyanobacterial populations revealed via metatranscriptomic surveys

MJ Harke, TW Davis, SB Watson… - Environmental science & …, 2016‏ - ACS Publications
Although toxic cyanobacterial blooms in western Lake Erie threaten drinking water supplies
and are promoted by nutrient loading, the precise nutrient regime that selects specific …

Diurnal Regulation of Cellular Processes in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803: Insights from Transcriptomic, Fluxomic, and Physiological …

R Saha, D Liu, A Hoynes-O'Connor, M Liberton, J Yu… - MBio, 2016‏ - journals.asm.org
Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 is the most widely studied model cyanobacterium, with a
well-developed omics level knowledgebase. Like the lifestyles of other cyanobacteria, that of …

The sRNA NsiR4 is involved in nitrogen assimilation control in cyanobacteria by targeting glutamine synthetase inactivating factor IF7

S Klähn, C Schaal, J Georg, D Baumgartner… - Proceedings of the …, 2015‏ - pnas.org
Glutamine synthetase (GS), a key enzyme in biological nitrogen assimilation, is regulated in
multiple ways in response to varying nitrogen sources and levels. Here we show a small …

The ploidy level of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is highly variable and is influenced by growth phase and by chemical and physical external parameters

K Zerulla, K Ludt, J Soppa - Microbiology, 2016‏ - microbiologyresearch.org
Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is a cyanobacterial model strain widely used to study many
biological processes and is also applied for the production of biopolymers. Recently, it was …