The challenge of new gatekeepers for public relations. A comparative analysis of the role of social media influencers for European and Latin American professionals
Social media influencers (SMIs) have become a primary stakeholder group for
communication professionals. However, this phenomenon still lacks a coherent body of …
communication professionals. However, this phenomenon still lacks a coherent body of …
Factors affecting turnover intentions among Millennial public relations professionals: The Latin American case
As the Millennial generation becomes the largest generation of the global workforce, it is
vital that organizations understand Millennials' work values, motivational factors, and …
vital that organizations understand Millennials' work values, motivational factors, and …
Measurement and evaluation: framework, methods, and critique
One of the biggest challenges facing communication practitioners today is using
measurement and evaluation (M&E) to provide sound evidence that their activities are …
measurement and evaluation (M&E) to provide sound evidence that their activities are …
Communicating the corporate strategy: An international benchmark study in the UK, the USA, and Germany
K Köhler, A Zerfass - Journal of Communication Management, 2019 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to address an important but seldom explored field of
study: the communication of corporate strategies to external and internal stakeholders. The …
study: the communication of corporate strategies to external and internal stakeholders. The …
Strategic topics and main professional trends in public relations: Results from 19 Latin American countries
Although Latin America has a long history of well-established academic development and
public relations professionals, multiple North American and European conceptualizations …
public relations professionals, multiple North American and European conceptualizations …
Positionierung von Kommunikationsabteilungen und Kommunikatoren: Leistungsbeitrag, Rollen und Selbstverständnis
Kommunikationsabteilungen und Kommunikationsverantwortliche stehen im internen
Wettbewerb um Ressourcen und Einfluss im Unternehmen. Um sich gegenüber der …
Wettbewerb um Ressourcen und Einfluss im Unternehmen. Um sich gegenüber der …
Exploring drivers for public engagement in social media communication with medical social influencers in China
Social networking sites offer an important means for increasing the accessibility and
enabling new forms of health communication between the public and medical social …
enabling new forms of health communication between the public and medical social …
[PDF][PDF] North American Communication Monitor 2018-2019. Tracking trends in fake news, issues management, leadership performance, work stress, social media …
Please contact the North American Communication Monitor research team listed on page
133. Contact Dr. Juan Meng at jmeng@ uga. edu or Dr. Bryan H. Reber at reber@ uga. edu …
133. Contact Dr. Juan Meng at jmeng@ uga. edu or Dr. Bryan H. Reber at reber@ uga. edu …
Kommunikationscontrolling und PR-Evaluation
Zusammenfassung In Theorie und Praxis des Kommunikationsmanagements werden
„Evaluation “und „Controlling “seit geraumer Zeit als Schlüsselbegriffe diskutiert. Dahinter …
„Evaluation “und „Controlling “seit geraumer Zeit als Schlüsselbegriffe diskutiert. Dahinter …
La comunicación empresarial en tiempos de COVID
Objetivo: El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer cuál es la situación de partida
de las empresas españolas desde una perspectiva comunicacional partiendo de la premisa …
de las empresas españolas desde una perspectiva comunicacional partiendo de la premisa …