Forest insect biosecurity: processes, patterns, predictions, pitfalls
The economic and environmental threats posed by non-native forest insects are ever
increasing with the continuing globalization of trade and travel; thus, the need for mitigation …
increasing with the continuing globalization of trade and travel; thus, the need for mitigation …
Invasive insect pests of forests and urban trees in Russia: Origin, pathways, damage, and management
Invasive alien insects cause serious ecological and economical losses around the world.
Here, we review the bionomics, modern ranges (and their dynamics), distribution pathways …
Here, we review the bionomics, modern ranges (and their dynamics), distribution pathways …
A glimmer of hope–ash genotypes with increased resistance to ash dieback pathogen show cross‐resistance to emerald ash borer
Plants rely on cross‐resistance traits to defend against multiple, phylogenetically distinct
enemies. These traits are often the result of long co‐evolutionary histories. Biological …
enemies. These traits are often the result of long co‐evolutionary histories. Biological …
Early prediction of regional red needle cast outbreaks using climatic data trends and satellite-derived observations
Red needle cast (RNC), mainly caused by Phytophthora pluvialis, is a very damaging
disease of the widely grown species radiata pine within New Zealand. Using a combination …
disease of the widely grown species radiata pine within New Zealand. Using a combination …
The potential of non-native tree species to provide major ecosystem services in Austrian forests
J Konic, C Heiling, E Haeler, D Chakraborty… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2024 -
Forestry is facing an unprecedented challenging time. Due to climate change, major tree
species, which until recently fulfilled major ecosystem services, are being lost and it is often …
species, which until recently fulfilled major ecosystem services, are being lost and it is often …
[HTML][HTML] From Chestnut Tree (Castanea sativa) to Flour and Foods: A Systematic Review of the Main Criticalities and Control Strategies towards the Relaunch of …
C Aglietti, A Cappelli, A Andreani - Sustainability, 2022 -
Castanea sativa plays a key role in different production chains (timber, flour, honey, and
tannins). Moreover, considering the great importance of chestnuts and chestnut flour for the …
tannins). Moreover, considering the great importance of chestnuts and chestnut flour for the …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of Toumeyella parvicornis outbreak in Pinus pinea L. forest of Southern Italy: First detection using a dendrochronological, isotopic and remote sensing …
F Niccoli, JP Kabala, S Altieri, S Faugno… - Forest Ecology and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Climate change is expected to affect forests' growth and functioning and to increase their
vulnerability to stressors such as prolonged drought and pest outbreaks. Identifying …
vulnerability to stressors such as prolonged drought and pest outbreaks. Identifying …
RNAi-biofungicides: a quantum leap for tree fungal pathogen management
Fungal diseases threaten the forest ecosystem, impacting tree health, productivity, and
biodiversity. Conventional approaches to combating diseases, such as biological control or …
biodiversity. Conventional approaches to combating diseases, such as biological control or …
An integrative phenology and climatic suitability model for emerald ash borer
Introduction Decision support models that predict both when and where to expect emerald
ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), are needed for …
ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), are needed for …
Spray-induced gene silencing (SIGS) as a tool for the management of Pine Pitch Canker forest disease
IT Bocos-Asenjo, H Amin, S Mosquera… - Plant …, 2025 - Am Phytopath Society
Global change is exacerbating the prevalence of plant diseases caused by pathogenic fungi
in forests worldwide. The conventional use of chemical fungicides, which is commonplace in …
in forests worldwide. The conventional use of chemical fungicides, which is commonplace in …