[КНИГА][B] Lambda-calculus and combinators: an introduction

JR Hindley, JP Seldin - 2008 - books.google.com
Combinatory logic and lambda-calculus, originally devised in the 1920s, have since
developed into linguistic tools, especially useful in programming languages. The authors' …

[PDF][PDF] Learning programs: A hierarchical Bayesian approach.

P Liang, MI Jordan, D Klein - ICML, 2010 - academia.edu
We are interested in learning programs for multiple related tasks given only a few training
examples per task. Since the program for a single task is underdetermined by its data, we …

[КНИГА][B] Computational semantics with functional programming

J Van Eijck, C Unger - 2010 - books.google.com
Computational semantics is the art and science of computing meaning in natural language.
The meaning of a sentence is derived from the meanings of the individual words in it, and …

[КНИГА][B] Computational artifacts

R Turner, R Turner - 2018 - Springer
Technical artifacts are taken to include all the common objects of everyday life, such as
chairs, televisions, paper clips, telephones, smartphones and dog collars. They are material …

[КНИГА][B] Models of computation: an introduction to computability theory

M Fernández - 2009 - books.google.com
A Concise Introduction to Computation Models and Computability Theory provides an
introduction to the essential concepts in computability, using several models of computation …

[PDF][PDF] The philosophy of computer science

N Angius, G Primiero, R Turner - 2021 - air.unimi.it
The philosophy of computer science is concerned with the ontological and methodological
issues arising from within the academic discipline of computer science, and from the practice …

Crowd behavior dynamics: entropic path-integral model

VG Ivancevic, DJ Reid, EV Aidman - Nonlinear dynamics, 2010 - Springer
We propose an entropic geometrical model of crowd behavior dynamics (with dissipative
crowd kinematics), using Feynman action-amplitude formalism that operates on three …

Linearity and recursion in a typed lambda-calculus

S Alves, M Fernández, M Florido, I Mackie - Proceedings of the 13th …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
We show that the full PCF language can be encoded in L _rec, a syntactically linear λ-
calculus extended with numbers, pairs, and an unbounded recursor that preserves the …

[КНИГА][B] Semantics of a call-by-need lambda calculus with McCarthy's amb for program equivalence

D Sabel - 2008 - davidsabel.de
In this thesis we investigate the semantics of concurrent programming languages with
respect to the correctness of program transformations which occur during compilation of …

[PDF][PDF] The Perfect Lambda Syntax.

M Vanags, R Cevere - Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, 2018 - researchgate.net
Most of the mainstream general-purpose programming languages support lambda
expressions. In some languages (JavaScript, Swift) lambda expressions are called …