[PDF][PDF] Thermal water resources in carbonate rock aquifers
The current knowledge on thermal water resources in carbonate rock aquifers is presented
in this review, which also discusses geochemical processes that create reservoir porosity …
in this review, which also discusses geochemical processes that create reservoir porosity …
Hypogene speleogenesis: Hydrogeological and morphogenetic perspective NCKRI-Special Paper 1
AB Klimchouk - 2007 - digitalcommons.usf.edu
This book, the first in a new series by the National Cave and Karst Research Institute, draws
on international examples and the international experience of author Dr. Alexander …
on international examples and the international experience of author Dr. Alexander …
Morphogenesis of hypogenic caves
A Klimchouk - Geomorphology, 2009 - Elsevier
Hypogenic speleogenesis is the formation of solution-enlarged permeability structures by
waters ascending to a cave-forming zone from below in leaky confined conditions, where …
waters ascending to a cave-forming zone from below in leaky confined conditions, where …
Basin-scale conceptual groundwater flow model for an unconfined and confined thick carbonate region
Application of the gravity-driven regional groundwater flow (GDRGF) concept to the
hydrogeologically complex thick carbonate system of the Transdanubian Range (TR) …
hydrogeologically complex thick carbonate system of the Transdanubian Range (TR) …
Flow pathways in multiple-direction fold hinges: implications for fractured and karstified carbonate reservoirs
Caves developed in carbonate units have a significant role in fluid flow, but most of these
subsurface voids are below seismic resolution. We concentrated our study on four caves to …
subsurface voids are below seismic resolution. We concentrated our study on four caves to …
[HTML][HTML] Springs regarded as hydraulic features and interpreted in the context of basin-scale groundwater flow
Springs are sources of freshwater supply. Furthermore, they can also deliver valuable
insight into the hydrogeologic processes of a mountainous region, a natural conservation …
insight into the hydrogeologic processes of a mountainous region, a natural conservation …
Geochemical evolution of spring waters in carbonate dominated aquifer in Upper Shirin Tagab sub-basin, northern Afghanistan
Spring waters originates from carbonate aquifers provides substantial water for drinking and
widely used for irrigation in Afghanistan. Thus, understanding hydrogeochemical evolution …
widely used for irrigation in Afghanistan. Thus, understanding hydrogeochemical evolution …
Types of karst and evolution of hydrogeologic setting
AB Klimchouk, DC Ford, A Palmer - 2000 - digitalcommons.usf.edu
This book is a pioneer attempt by an international group of cavescientists to summarize
modern knowledge about the cave originsin various settings, to examine the variety of …
modern knowledge about the cave originsin various settings, to examine the variety of …
The influence of bedrock‐derived acidity in the development of surface and underground karst: evidence from the Precambrian carbonates of semi‐arid northeastern …
AS Auler, PL Smart - … Processes and Landforms: The Journal of …, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Very extensive cave systems are developed in Precambrian Una Group carbonates in the
Campo Formoso area, eastern Brazil. In contrast, the area is largely devoid of significant …
Campo Formoso area, eastern Brazil. In contrast, the area is largely devoid of significant …
Burial stylolites enhance karst dissolution and control cave geometry in heterolithic carbonates, Salitre Formation, Brazil
Understanding the karstification process in fractured carbonates is a key factor in develo**
and exploiting fractured and karstified reservoirs. This study documents the relationship …
and exploiting fractured and karstified reservoirs. This study documents the relationship …