[HTML][HTML] Contact engineering in organic field-effect transistors
Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) are promising for numerous potential applications
but suffer from poor charge injection, such that their performance is severely limited. Recent …
but suffer from poor charge injection, such that their performance is severely limited. Recent …
[Књига][B] Electronic processes in organic semiconductors: An introduction
The first advanced textbook to provide a useful introduction in a brief, coherent and
comprehensive way, with a focus on the fundamentals. After having read this book, students …
comprehensive way, with a focus on the fundamentals. After having read this book, students …
A review for polaron dependent charge transport in organic semiconductor
N Lu, L Li, D Geng, M Liu - Organic Electronics, 2018 - Elsevier
With the development of organic electronics, several novel effects on the charge transport
performance have been found. Among these effects, the polaron effect is deemed to the …
performance have been found. Among these effects, the polaron effect is deemed to the …
Achieving high alignment of conjugated polymers by controlled dip‐coating
Realizing high polymer chain orientation and ordered thin‐film microstructures is beneficial
for efficient charge transport of conjugated polymers. However, achieving a high alignment …
for efficient charge transport of conjugated polymers. However, achieving a high alignment …
The Impact of Grain Boundaries on Charge Transport in Polycrystalline Organic Field‐Effect Transistors
The active element of an organic field effect transistor (OFET) is a polycrystalline transport
layer. The crystallites are interrupted by grain boundaries (GB) that can act as traps or …
layer. The crystallites are interrupted by grain boundaries (GB) that can act as traps or …
Programmable and coherent crystallization of semiconductors
The functional properties and technological utility of polycrystalline materials are largely
determined by the structure, geometry, and spatial distribution of their multitude of crystals …
determined by the structure, geometry, and spatial distribution of their multitude of crystals …
Trap Healing for High‐Performance Low‐Voltage Polymer Transistors and Solution‐Based Analog Amplifiers on Foil
Solution‐processed semiconductors such as conjugated polymers have great potential in
large‐area electronics. While extremely appealing due to their low‐temperature and high …
large‐area electronics. While extremely appealing due to their low‐temperature and high …
Space-and time-resolved map** of ionic dynamic and electroresistive phenomena in lateral devices
A scanning probe microscopy-based technique for probing local ionic and electronic
transport and their dynamic behavior on the 10 ms to 10 s scale is presented. The time …
transport and their dynamic behavior on the 10 ms to 10 s scale is presented. The time …
Electric field dependence of charge carrier hop** transport within the random energy landscape in an organic field effect transistor
We extended our analytical effective medium theory [Phys. Rev. B 81, 045202 (2010)
PRBMDO 0163-1829 10.1103/PhysRevB. 81.045202] to describe the temperature …
PRBMDO 0163-1829 10.1103/PhysRevB. 81.045202] to describe the temperature …
Field-dependent charge transport in organic thin-film transistors: Impact of device structure and organic semiconductor microstructure
Organic semiconductors are highly susceptible to defect formation, leading to electronic
states in the gap—traps—which typically reduce the performance and stability of devices. To …
states in the gap—traps—which typically reduce the performance and stability of devices. To …