Oxygen isotopes in bioarchaeology: Principles and applications, challenges and opportunities
Oxygen isotope analyses of skeletal remains (18 O/16 O, δ 18 O) are a powerful tool for
exploring major themes in bioarchaeology (the study of biological archaeological remains) …
exploring major themes in bioarchaeology (the study of biological archaeological remains) …
Strontium isotopes from the earth to the archaeological skeleton: a review
R Alexander Bentley - Journal of archaeological method and theory, 2006 - Springer
Strontium isotope analysis of archaeological skeletons has provided useful and exciting
results in archaeology in the last 20 years, particularly by characterizing past human …
results in archaeology in the last 20 years, particularly by characterizing past human …
Dietary reconstruction, mobility, and the analysis of ancient skeletal tissues: Expanding the prospects of stable isotope research in archaeology
CA Makarewicz, J Sealy - Journal of archaeological science, 2015 - Elsevier
The use of stable isotope ratio analysis in archaeology has exploded over the past few
decades to the point where it is now an established tool that is routinely used to investigate …
decades to the point where it is now an established tool that is routinely used to investigate …
What we talk about when we talk about seasonality–A transdisciplinary review
The role of seasonality is indisputable in climate and ecosystem dynamics. Seasonal
temperature and precipitation variability are of vital importance for the availability of food …
temperature and precipitation variability are of vital importance for the availability of food …
[KNJIGA][B] Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science
R Michener, K Lajtha - 2008 - books.google.com
This book highlights new and emerging uses of stable isotope analysis in a variety of
ecological disciplines. While the use of natural abundance isotopes in ecological research is …
ecological disciplines. While the use of natural abundance isotopes in ecological research is …
[KNJIGA][B] The archaeology of southern Africa
P Mitchell - 2024 - books.google.com
Some of humanity's earliest ancestors lived in southern Africa and evidence from sites there
has inspired key debates on human origins and the emergence of complex cognition …
has inspired key debates on human origins and the emergence of complex cognition …
Carbon isotope fractionation between diet, breath CO2, and bioapatite in different mammals
The carbon isotope fractionation between tooth enamel bioapatite, breath CO2, and diet was
measured for voles, rabbits, pigs, and cattle on controlled diets. The measured fractionation …
measured for voles, rabbits, pigs, and cattle on controlled diets. The measured fractionation …
Isotopic study of the biology of modern and fossil vertebrates
PL Koch - Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Naturally occurring variations in the stable isotope composition of fossil vertebrates have
been studied since the late 1970s. Isotopic data from vertebrate fossils are sometimes used …
been studied since the late 1970s. Isotopic data from vertebrate fossils are sometimes used …
Flaked stones and old bones: biological and cultural evolution at the dawn of technology
T Plummer - American journal of physical anthropology, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
The appearance of Oldowan sites ca. 2.6 million years ago (Ma) may reflect one of the most
important adaptive shifts in human evolution. Stone artifact manufacture, large mammal …
important adaptive shifts in human evolution. Stone artifact manufacture, large mammal …
Status and gender differences in diet at Mound 72, Cahokia, revealed by isotopic analysis of bone
Cahokia Mound 72 contains 272 human burials dating to the Lohmann and early Stirling
phases (ca. 1050–1150 AD) of the Mississippian period. Substantial status-and gender …
phases (ca. 1050–1150 AD) of the Mississippian period. Substantial status-and gender …