Normal faults and thrusts reactivated by deep fluids: The 6 April 2009 Mw 6.3 L'Aquila earthquake, central Italy
On 6 April 2009, a Mw= 6.3 earthquake occurred in the central Apennines (Italy) damaging
the city of L'Aquila and the surrounding country. We relocate the October 2008 to 6 April …
the city of L'Aquila and the surrounding country. We relocate the October 2008 to 6 April …
HVNSR survey in historical downtown L'Aquila (central Italy): site resonance properties vs. subsoil model
F Del Monaco, M Tallini, C De Rose, F Durante - Engineering Geology, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper presents and discusses the results of a detailed seismic noise survey carried out
in historical downtown L'Aquila after the earthquake of 6 Apr. 2009 (Mw= 6.3). Seismic noise …
in historical downtown L'Aquila after the earthquake of 6 Apr. 2009 (Mw= 6.3). Seismic noise …
Surface Faulting of the 6 April 2009 Mw 6.3 L'Aquila Earthquake in Central Italy
E Vittori, P Di Manna, AM Blumetti… - Bulletin of the …, 2011 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
This paper documents evidence of surface faulting associated with the 6 April 2009
moderate-sized earthquake (ML 5.8, M w 6.3) in the central Apennines of Italy, which caused …
moderate-sized earthquake (ML 5.8, M w 6.3) in the central Apennines of Italy, which caused …
Physics-based seismic input for engineering applications: a case study in the Aterno river valley, Central Italy
In this paper, we present 3D physics-based numerical simulations, in the near-source region
at the regional scale, of the 2009, April 6, L'Aquila earthquake (central Italy), based on …
at the regional scale, of the 2009, April 6, L'Aquila earthquake (central Italy), based on …
Evidence of low-frequency amplification in the city of L'Aquila, Central Italy, through a multidisciplinary approach including strong-and weak-motion data, ambient …
G De Luca, S Marcucci… - Bulletin of the …, 2005 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Recent accelerometric recordings of earthquakes with moderate and intermediate
magnitude (4.0< ML< 5.9), at both local and regional distances, show a significant ground …
magnitude (4.0< ML< 5.9), at both local and regional distances, show a significant ground …
Broadband Numerical Simulations in Complex Near‐Field Geological Configurations: The Case of the 2009 Mw 6.3 L'Aquila Earthquake
C Smerzini, M Villani - Bulletin of the Seismological …, 2012 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
A numerical study on the 2009 M w 6.3 L'Aquila earthquake is here presented using a high‐
performance spectral element (SE) code to clarify the issues regarding the generation of …
performance spectral element (SE) code to clarify the issues regarding the generation of …
The role of drainage systems and intermontane basins in the Quaternary landscape of the Central Apennines chain (Italy)
T Piacentini, E Miccadei - Rendiconti Lincei, 2014 - Springer
Abstract The Central Apennines chain (Central Italy) is an asymmetric NW–SE thrust belt,
NE verging, that has developed since the Neogene. The present landscape is made up of …
NE verging, that has developed since the Neogene. The present landscape is made up of …
Deformation pattern of the 6 and 7 April 2009, MW=6.3 and MW=5.6 earthquakes in L'Aquila (Central Italy) revealed by ground and space based observations
The deformation pattern of the 6 and 7 April 2009 MW= 6.3 and MW= 5.6 earthquakes in
L'Aquila is revealed by DInSAR analysis and compared with earthquake environmental …
L'Aquila is revealed by DInSAR analysis and compared with earthquake environmental …
The contribution of seismic data in microzonation studies for downtown L'Aquila
Abstract After the 2009 April 6th Mw 6.3 L'Aquila earthquake (Central Italy) the Italian Civil
Defense Department promoted the microzoning study in the ten zones in the epicentral area …
Defense Department promoted the microzoning study in the ten zones in the epicentral area …
Analyzing the 222 Rn/220 Rn Ratio in a Seismic Area: A Reliable Method to Understand the Development of Active Structural Discontinuities in Earthquake …
Studies on the individuation of surface and buried faults in seismic areas using geochemical
methods can be considered a valid approach for improving sustainability in the risk …
methods can be considered a valid approach for improving sustainability in the risk …