[HTML][HTML] An overview of agent-based traffic simulators
Individual traffic significantly contributes to climate change and environmental degradation.
Therefore, innovation in sustainable mobility is gaining importance as it helps to reduce …
Therefore, innovation in sustainable mobility is gaining importance as it helps to reduce …
Autonomous vehicle evaluation: A comprehensive survey on modeling and simulation approaches
In recent years, autonomous vehicles (AVs), which observe the driving environment and
lead a few or all of the driving tasks, have garnered tremendous success. The field of AVs …
lead a few or all of the driving tasks, have garnered tremendous success. The field of AVs …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing the impacts of deploying a shared self-driving urban mobility system: An agent-based model applied to the city of Lisbon, Portugal
This paper examines the changes that might result from the large-scale uptake of a shared
and self-driving fleet of vehicles in a mid-sized European city. The work explores two …
and self-driving fleet of vehicles in a mid-sized European city. The work explores two …
Transit-oriented autonomous vehicle operation with integrated demand-supply interaction
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) represent potentially disruptive and innovative changes to
public transportation (PT) systems. However, the exact interplay between AV and PT is …
public transportation (PT) systems. However, the exact interplay between AV and PT is …
A framework to integrate mode choice in the design of mobility-on-demand systems
Abstract Mobility-on-Demand (MoD) systems are generally designed and analyzed for a
fixed and exogenous demand, but such frameworks fail to answer questions about the …
fixed and exogenous demand, but such frameworks fail to answer questions about the …
Agent-based simulation of autonomous vehicles: A systematic literature review
P **g, H Hu, F Zhan, Y Chen, Y Shi - IEEE Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) may have a transformative influence on transportation systems.
AV use is expected to reduce crash, transport costs, and land use. However, the net effects …
AV use is expected to reduce crash, transport costs, and land use. However, the net effects …
Microsimulation of demand and supply of autonomous mobility on demand
Agent-based models have gained wide acceptance in transportation planning because with
increasing computational power, large-scale people-centric mobility simulations are …
increasing computational power, large-scale people-centric mobility simulations are …
Enhanced mobility with connectivity and automation: A review of shared autonomous vehicle systems
L Zhao, AA Malikopoulos - IEEE Intelligent Transportation …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Shared mobility can provide access to transportation on a custom basis without vehicle
ownership. The advent of connected and automated vehicle technologies can further …
ownership. The advent of connected and automated vehicle technologies can further …
Integrating shared autonomous vehicles into existing transportation services: evidence from a paratransit service in Arlington, Texas
This study investigates the potential benefits of integrating shared autonomous vehicles and
an existing transportation system by exploring a recently initiated project that integrates …
an existing transportation system by exploring a recently initiated project that integrates …
Amodeus, a simulation-based testbed for autonomous mobility-on-demand systems
In an autonomous mobility-on-demand (AMoD) system, customers are transported by
autonomously driving vehicles in an on-demand fashion. Although these AMoD systems will …
autonomously driving vehicles in an on-demand fashion. Although these AMoD systems will …