[HTML][HTML] Effects of silicon on heavy metal uptake at the soil-plant interphase: A review
Silicon (Si) is the second richest element in the soil and surface of earth crust with a variety
of positive roles in soils and plants. Different soil factors influence the Si bioavailability in soil …
of positive roles in soils and plants. Different soil factors influence the Si bioavailability in soil …
A contemporary overview of silicon availability in agricultural soils
RJ Haynes - Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Our current understanding of silicon (Si) availability in agricultural soils is reviewed and
knowledge gaps are highlighted. Silicon is a beneficial rather than essential plant nutrient …
knowledge gaps are highlighted. Silicon is a beneficial rather than essential plant nutrient …
Significance and role of Si in crop production
RJ Haynes - Advances in Agronomy, 2017 - Elsevier
Silicon is a beneficial plant nutrient, and yield responses to its application on Si-deficient
soils have been frequently demonstrated in Si-accumulator crops such as rice, sugarcane …
soils have been frequently demonstrated in Si-accumulator crops such as rice, sugarcane …
Worldwide retention of nutrient silicon by river damming: From sparse data set to global estimate
Damming of rivers represents a major anthropogenic perturbation of the hydrological cycle,
with the potential to profoundly modify the availability of nutrient silicon (Si) in streams, lakes …
with the potential to profoundly modify the availability of nutrient silicon (Si) in streams, lakes …
Phytoplankton species composition as bioindicator in the largest fragmented channel of the Pearl River, China
C **e, C Hu, W Yang, N Wu, Q Liu, J Wei… - Environmental Monitoring …, 2024 - Springer
To test the serial discontinuity concept (SDC) predictions in a regulated river ecosystem,
environmental parameters and phytoplankton community structure were determined in a …
environmental parameters and phytoplankton community structure were determined in a …
[PDF][PDF] Assessment of dissolved silica content of groundwater from Southwestern Nigeria
The groundwater resources from open dug wells in Abeokuta municipality are mostly
abstracted from shallow depth of< 10.0 m with a static water level in the range of 0.2 to 5.0 …
abstracted from shallow depth of< 10.0 m with a static water level in the range of 0.2 to 5.0 …
Dry season phytoplankton composition of Ibiekuma Dam, Ekpoma, Edo state
PA Akomeah, O Ekhator, C Udoka - Ethiopian Journal of Environmental …, 2010 - ajol.info
In this study, the phytoplankton composition of Ibiekuma dam, Ekpoma was investigated
between January and February, 2010. A total of 20 phytoplankton taxa belonging to three …
between January and February, 2010. A total of 20 phytoplankton taxa belonging to three …
Seasonal characteristics of nutrient and nutrient structure in the Yangtze River estuary
L Li, G Xv, Y Zheng, M Jiang - Archives of Environmental Protection, 2023 - journals.pan.pl
This data article aimed to evaluate the influencing mechanisms of the nutrients and the level
of eutrophication in the Yangtze River estuary. The seasonal characteristics of nutrients …
of eutrophication in the Yangtze River estuary. The seasonal characteristics of nutrients …
Synoptic relationships to estimate phytoplankton communities specific to sizes and species from satellite observations in coastal waters
Knowing variations of phytoplankton community characteristics is of great significance to
many marine ecological and biogeochemical processes in oceanography and related fields …
many marine ecological and biogeochemical processes in oceanography and related fields …
Perturbations to nutrient and carbon cycles by river damming
T Maavara - 2017 - uwspace.uwaterloo.ca
The damming of rivers represents one of the most far-reaching human modifications to the
flows of water and associated matter from land to sea. Globally there are over 70 000 large …
flows of water and associated matter from land to sea. Globally there are over 70 000 large …