[HTML][HTML] Effects of silicon on heavy metal uptake at the soil-plant interphase: A review

I Khan, SA Awan, M Rizwan, S Ali, MJ Hassan… - Ecotoxicology and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Silicon (Si) is the second richest element in the soil and surface of earth crust with a variety
of positive roles in soils and plants. Different soil factors influence the Si bioavailability in soil …

A contemporary overview of silicon availability in agricultural soils

RJ Haynes - Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Our current understanding of silicon (Si) availability in agricultural soils is reviewed and
knowledge gaps are highlighted. Silicon is a beneficial rather than essential plant nutrient …

Significance and role of Si in crop production

RJ Haynes - Advances in Agronomy, 2017 - Elsevier
Silicon is a beneficial plant nutrient, and yield responses to its application on Si-deficient
soils have been frequently demonstrated in Si-accumulator crops such as rice, sugarcane …

Worldwide retention of nutrient silicon by river damming: From sparse data set to global estimate

T Maavara, HH Dürr… - Global Biogeochemical …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Damming of rivers represents a major anthropogenic perturbation of the hydrological cycle,
with the potential to profoundly modify the availability of nutrient silicon (Si) in streams, lakes …

Phytoplankton species composition as bioindicator in the largest fragmented channel of the Pearl River, China

C **e, C Hu, W Yang, N Wu, Q Liu, J Wei… - Environmental Monitoring …, 2024 - Springer
To test the serial discontinuity concept (SDC) predictions in a regulated river ecosystem,
environmental parameters and phytoplankton community structure were determined in a …

[PDF][PDF] Assessment of dissolved silica content of groundwater from Southwestern Nigeria

AM Gbadebo, AM Taiwo, AJ Adeola - J Hum Ecol, 2013 - academia.edu
The groundwater resources from open dug wells in Abeokuta municipality are mostly
abstracted from shallow depth of< 10.0 m with a static water level in the range of 0.2 to 5.0 …

Dry season phytoplankton composition of Ibiekuma Dam, Ekpoma, Edo state

PA Akomeah, O Ekhator, C Udoka - Ethiopian Journal of Environmental …, 2010 - ajol.info
In this study, the phytoplankton composition of Ibiekuma dam, Ekpoma was investigated
between January and February, 2010. A total of 20 phytoplankton taxa belonging to three …

Seasonal characteristics of nutrient and nutrient structure in the Yangtze River estuary

L Li, G Xv, Y Zheng, M Jiang - Archives of Environmental Protection, 2023 - journals.pan.pl
This data article aimed to evaluate the influencing mechanisms of the nutrients and the level
of eutrophication in the Yangtze River estuary. The seasonal characteristics of nutrients …

Synoptic relationships to estimate phytoplankton communities specific to sizes and species from satellite observations in coastal waters

D Sun, W Lai, S Wang, Y Huan, M Bilal, Z Qiu, Y He - Optics Express, 2019 - opg.optica.org
Knowing variations of phytoplankton community characteristics is of great significance to
many marine ecological and biogeochemical processes in oceanography and related fields …

Perturbations to nutrient and carbon cycles by river damming

T Maavara - 2017 - uwspace.uwaterloo.ca
The damming of rivers represents one of the most far-reaching human modifications to the
flows of water and associated matter from land to sea. Globally there are over 70 000 large …