A criterion for Andr\'{a} sfai--Erd\H {o} s--S\'{o} s type theorems and applications

J Hou, X Liu, H Zhao - ar** f: VG→ VH such that f (u)
and f (v) form an edge in H whenever u and v form an edge in G. The H-Coloring problem is …

Complexity of Ck-coloring in hereditary classes of graphs

M Chudnovsky, S Huang, P Rzążewski, S Spirkl… - Information and …, 2023 - Elsevier
For a graph F, a graph G is F-free if it does not contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to F.
For two graphs G and H, an H-coloring of G is a map** f: V (G)→ V (H) such that for every …

Acyclic, star, and injective colouring: Bounding the diameter

C Brause, P Golovach, B Martin, D Paulusma… - … -Theoretic Concepts in …, 2021 - Springer
We examine the effect of bounding the diameter for well-studied variants of the Colouring
problem. A colouring is acyclic, star, or injective if any two colour classes induce a forest, star …