Shear horizontal wave transducers for structural health monitoring and nondestructive testing: A review
Shear horizontal (SH) waves are of great importance in structural health monitoring (SHM)
and nondestructive testing (NDT), since the lowest order SH wave in isotropic plates is non …
and nondestructive testing (NDT), since the lowest order SH wave in isotropic plates is non …
A high-resolution structural health monitoring system based on SH wave piezoelectric transducers phased array
Guided wave based structural health monitoring (SHM) has been regarded as an effective
tool to detect the early damage in large structures and thus avoid possible catastrophic …
tool to detect the early damage in large structures and thus avoid possible catastrophic …
Meta-ring for enhancing emission efficiency of omnidirectional SH waves
HJ Kim, CI Park, K Kim, YY Kim - International Journal of Mechanical …, 2023 - Elsevier
The intensity of a wave emitted by a transducer affects its performance critically, especially
when the emitted wave is omnidirectional. However, the development of omnidirectional …
when the emitted wave is omnidirectional. However, the development of omnidirectional …
Metasubstrate-based SH guided wave piezoelectric transducer for unidirectional beam deflection without time delay
H Miao, Y Du - Smart Materials and Structures, 2024 -
Focusing the energy of a guided wave along a desired direction is of great significance in
structural health monitoring (SHM), since it can improve the sensitivity to defects and reduce …
structural health monitoring (SHM), since it can improve the sensitivity to defects and reduce …
A practical omni-directional SH wave transducer for structural health monitoring based on two thickness-poled piezoelectric half-rings
Structural health monitoring (SHM) has become more and more important in modern
industries as it can monitor the safety of structures during the full service life and prevent …
industries as it can monitor the safety of structures during the full service life and prevent …
[HTML][HTML] Beam-focused SH wave transducer based on YSr3 (PO4) 3 piezoelectric crystal for high temperature structural health monitoring
Y Du, G Wu, F Yu, H Miao, X Zhao - Journal of Materiomics, 2023 - Elsevier
Guided-wave-based structural health monitoring (SHM) technology is of great importance for
real-time inspection of high-temperature structures. The fundamental shear horizontal (SH 0) …
real-time inspection of high-temperature structures. The fundamental shear horizontal (SH 0) …
A variable-frequency bidirectional shear horizontal (SH) wave transducer based on dual face-shear (d24) piezoelectric wafers
Focusing the incident wave beam along a given direction is very useful in guided wave
based structural health monitoring (SHM), as it will not only save input power but also …
based structural health monitoring (SHM), as it will not only save input power but also …
Excitation and manipulation of guided shear-horizontal plane wave using elastic metasurfaces
The lowest order shear horizontal wave (SH 0 wave) is of great importance in structural
health monitoring (SHM) and nondestructive testing (NDT), since it is the only non …
health monitoring (SHM) and nondestructive testing (NDT), since it is the only non …
A high-sensitivity and long-distance structural health monitoring system based on bidirectional SH wave phased array
When estimating a structural health monitoring (SHM) system, its defect sensitivity and
area/distance coverage are most important factors. For commonly used guided wave sparse …
area/distance coverage are most important factors. For commonly used guided wave sparse …
A tunable bidirectional SH wave transducer based on antiparallel thickness-shear (d15) piezoelectric strips
Guided wave based defects inspection is very promising in the field of structural health
monitoring (SHM) and nondestructive testing (NDT) due to its less dissipation and thus long …
monitoring (SHM) and nondestructive testing (NDT) due to its less dissipation and thus long …