Going beyond books to using e-books in education: a systematic literature review of empirical studies

A Tlili, J Zhao, K Yang, Y Wang, A Bozkurt… - Interactive Learning …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
With the development of educational technologies, electronic books (e-books) have been
improved and adapted to cater to new teaching models, as well as to overcome several …

Direction of collaborative problem solving-based STEM learning by learning analytics approach

L Chen, N Yoshimatsu, Y Goda, F Okubo… - Research and Practice …, 2019 - Springer
The purpose of this study was to explore the factors that might affect learning performance
and collaborative problem solving (CPS) awareness in science, technology, engineering …

Learning analytics for e-book-based educational big data in higher education

H Ogata, M Oi, K Mohri, F Okubo, A Shimada… - Smart sensors at the IoT …, 2017 - Springer
This study provides an overview of the educational big data research project at Kyushu
University, Japan. This project uses an e-book system called BookLooper, which allows …

Early-warning prediction of student performance and engagement in open book assessment by reading behavior analysis

B Flanagan, R Majumdar, H Ogata - International Journal of Educational …, 2022 - Springer
Digitized learning materials are a core part of modern education, and analysis of the use can
offer insight into the learning behavior of high and low performing students. The topic of …

Learning analytics platform in higher education in Japan

B Flanagan, H Ogata - Knowledge Management & E …, 2018 - repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp
In recent years, learning analytics has become a hot topic with many institutes deploying
learning management systems and learning analytics tools. In this paper, we introduce …

Real-time learning analytics system for improvement of on-site lectures

A Shimada, S Konomi, H Ogata - Interactive Technology and Smart …, 2018 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this study is to propose a real-time lecture supporting system. The
target of this study is on-site classrooms where teachers give lectures and a lot of students …

Fine grain synthetic educational data: challenges and limitations of collaborative learning analytics

B Flanagan, R Majumdar, H Ogata - IEEE Access, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
While data privacy is a key aspect of Learning Analytics, it often creates difficulty when
promoting research into underexplored contexts as it limits data sharing. To overcome this …

Learning While Working: Course Enrollment Behaviour as a Macro-Level Indicator of Learning Management among Adult Learners.

CE Tatel, SF Lyndgaard, R Kanfer, JE Melkers - Journal of Learning Analytics, 2022 - ERIC
As the demand for lifelong learning increases, many working adults have turned to online
graduate education in order to update their skillsets and pursue advanced credentials …

Exploring jump back behavior patterns and reasons in e-book system

B Ma, M Lu, Y Taniguchi, S Konomi - Smart Learning Environments, 2022 - Springer
With the increasing use of digital learning materials in higher education, the accumulated
operational log data provide a unique opportunity to analyzing student learning behaviors …


緒方広明, 殷成久, 毛利考佑, 大井京… - 教育システム情報 …, 2016 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 Educational Big Data (EBD) and Learning Analytics (LA) have being attracted
enormous attention in recent years. Data collection process is the first step of EBD and LA …