[HTML][HTML] Fair division of indivisible goods: Recent progress and open questions
Allocating resources to individuals in a fair manner has been a topic of interest since ancient
times, with most of the early mathematical work on the problem focusing on resources that …
times, with most of the early mathematical work on the problem focusing on resources that …
Multistakeholder recommendation: Survey and research directions
Recommender systems provide personalized information access to users of Internet
services from social networks to e-commerce to media and entertainment. As is appropriate …
services from social networks to e-commerce to media and entertainment. As is appropriate …
Fine-tuning language models to find agreement among humans with diverse preferences
Recent work in large language modeling (LLMs) has used fine-tuning to align outputs with
the preferences of a prototypical user. This work assumes that human preferences are static …
the preferences of a prototypical user. This work assumes that human preferences are static …
A roadmap to pluralistic alignment
With increased power and prevalence of AI systems, it is ever more critical that AI systems
are designed to serve all, ie, people with diverse values and perspectives. However …
are designed to serve all, ie, people with diverse values and perspectives. However …
Towards intersectionality in machine learning: Including more identities, handling underrepresentation, and performing evaluation
Research in machine learning fairness has historically considered a single binary
demographic attribute; however, the reality is of course far more complicated. In this work …
demographic attribute; however, the reality is of course far more complicated. In this work …
Fairness in information access systems
Recommendation, information retrieval, and other information access systems pose unique
challenges for investigating and applying the fairness and non-discrimination concepts that …
challenges for investigating and applying the fairness and non-discrimination concepts that …
Fair algorithms for selecting citizens' assemblies
Globally, there has been a recent surge in 'citizens' assemblies', which are a form of civic
participation in which a panel of randomly selected constituents contributes to questions of …
participation in which a panel of randomly selected constituents contributes to questions of …
The unreasonable fairness of maximum Nash welfare
The maximum Nash welfare (MNW) solution—which selects an allocation that maximizes
the product of utilities—is known to provide outstanding fairness guarantees when allocating …
the product of utilities—is known to provide outstanding fairness guarantees when allocating …
Fair division of indivisible goods: A survey
Allocating resources to individuals in a fair manner has been a topic of interest since the
ancient times, with most of the early rigorous mathematical work on the problem focusing on …
ancient times, with most of the early rigorous mathematical work on the problem focusing on …
Almost envy-freeness with general valuations
The goal of fair division is to distribute resources among competing players in a “fair" way.
Envy-freeness is the most extensively studied fairness notion in fair division. Envy-free …
Envy-freeness is the most extensively studied fairness notion in fair division. Envy-free …