Predicting infectious disease for biopreparedness and response: A systematic review of machine learning and deep learning approaches
The complex, unpredictable nature of pathogen occurrence has required substantial efforts
to accurately predict infectious diseases (IDs). With rising popularity of Machine Learning …
to accurately predict infectious diseases (IDs). With rising popularity of Machine Learning …
Human mobility and the infectious disease transmission: a systematic review
Recent decades have witnessed several infectious disease outbreaks, including the
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which had catastrophic impacts on societies …
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which had catastrophic impacts on societies …
[HTML][HTML] A systematic review on modeling methods and influential factors for map** dengue-related risk in urban settings
Dengue fever is an acute mosquito-borne disease that mostly spreads within urban or semi-
urban areas in warm climate zones. The dengue-related risk map is one of the most practical …
urban areas in warm climate zones. The dengue-related risk map is one of the most practical …
[HTML][HTML] Improving dengue forecasts by using geospatial big data analysis in google earth engine and the historical dengue information-aided long short term memory …
Simple Summary Forecasting dengue cases often face challenges from (1) time-
effectiveness due to time-consuming satellite data downloading and processing,(2) weak …
effectiveness due to time-consuming satellite data downloading and processing,(2) weak …
Data-driven computational intelligence applied to dengue outbreak forecasting: a case study at the scale of the city of Natal, RN-Brazil
I Sanchez-Gendriz, GF de Souza, IGM de Andrade… - Scientific reports, 2022 -
Dengue is recognized as a health problem that causes significant socioeconomic impacts
throughout the world, affecting millions of people each year. A commonly used method for …
throughout the world, affecting millions of people each year. A commonly used method for …
[HTML][HTML] Big geospatial data and data-driven methods for urban dengue risk forecasting: a review
With advancements in big geospatial data and artificial intelligence, multi-source data and
diverse data-driven methods have become common in dengue risk prediction …
diverse data-driven methods have become common in dengue risk prediction …
Dengue transmission dynamics prediction by combining metapopulation networks and Kalman filter algorithm
Q Zeng, X Yu, H Ni, L **ao, T Xu, H Wu… - PLOS Neglected …, 2023 -
Predicting the specific magnitude and the temporal peak of the epidemic of individual local
outbreaks is critical for infectious disease control. Previous studies have indicated that …
outbreaks is critical for infectious disease control. Previous studies have indicated that …
Optimizing respiratory virus surveillance networks using uncertainty propagation
Infectious disease prevention, control and forecasting rely on sentinel observations;
however, many locations lack the capacity for routine surveillance. Here we show that, by …
however, many locations lack the capacity for routine surveillance. Here we show that, by …
Artificial neuronal networks are revolutionizing entomological research
M Hartbauer - Journal of Applied Entomology, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in entomological research has gained significant
attention in recent years. This review summarizes the current state of research on the …
attention in recent years. This review summarizes the current state of research on the …
Temporal and spatiotemporal arboviruses forecasting by machine learning: a systematic review
Arboviruses are a group of diseases that are transmitted by an arthropod vector. Since they
are part of the Neglected Tropical Diseases that pose several public health challenges for …
are part of the Neglected Tropical Diseases that pose several public health challenges for …