Emotion and narrative fiction: Interactive influences before, during, and after reading
Emotions are central to the experience of literary narrative fiction. Affect and mood can
influence what book people choose, based partly on whether their goal is to change or …
influence what book people choose, based partly on whether their goal is to change or …
Educational games for learning.
PM Noemí, SH Máximo - Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2014 - ERIC
The introduction of new technologies in society has created a need for interactive contents
that can make the most of the potential that technological advances offer. Serious games as …
that can make the most of the potential that technological advances offer. Serious games as …
Entertainment as pleasurable and meaningful: Identifying hedonic and eudaimonic motivations for entertainment consumption
The purpose of this research is to broaden the conceptualization of entertainment selection
to identify not only pleasure-seeking (hedonic concerns) as a motivator, but to also …
to identify not only pleasure-seeking (hedonic concerns) as a motivator, but to also …
Appreciation as audience response: Exploring entertainment gratifications beyond hedonism
This article elaborates upon the notion of media enjoyment in the context of film viewing by
proposing a complementary type of gratification that we conceptualize as appreciation …
proposing a complementary type of gratification that we conceptualize as appreciation …
Defining media enjoyment as the satisfaction of intrinsic needs
This article presents a model of enjoyment rooted in self-determination theory that includes
the satisfaction of three needs related to psychological well-being: autonomy, competence …
the satisfaction of three needs related to psychological well-being: autonomy, competence …
Beyond pleasure: Exploring the eudaimonic entertainment experience
We examine the notion of eudaimonic entertainment during exposure to a sad but
meaningful movie, using a new measure consisting of 5 dimensions derived from research …
meaningful movie, using a new measure consisting of 5 dimensions derived from research …
Entertainment 2.0? The role of intrinsic and extrinsic need satisfaction for the enjoyment of Facebook use
While intrinsic motivation has received broad attention in recent entertainment research, the
effects of extrinsic motivation, such as social pressure to use media, on media enjoyment …
effects of extrinsic motivation, such as social pressure to use media, on media enjoyment …
Emotional gratification in entertainment experience. Why viewers of movies and television series find it rewarding to experience emotions
A Bartsch - Media Psychology, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
This article presents four studies designed to assess different types of gratifications that can
be associated with the experience of emotions in movie and television audiences …
be associated with the experience of emotions in movie and television audiences …
Appreciation of entertainment
The purpose of this article is to examine the experience of appreciation to media
entertainment as a unique audience response that can be differentiated from enjoyment. To …
entertainment as a unique audience response that can be differentiated from enjoyment. To …
Media enjoyment as need satisfaction: The contribution of hedonic and nonhedonic needs
Most early research on entertainment defines media enjoyment in functional terms as the
satisfaction of hedonic needs. Two studies demonstrate the value of including nonhedonic …
satisfaction of hedonic needs. Two studies demonstrate the value of including nonhedonic …