Biology of the phylum Nematomorpha
B Hanelt, F Thomas, A Schmidt-Rhaesa - Advances in parasitology, 2005 - Elsevier
Compared with most animal phyla, the Nematomorpha, also known as hair worms, is a
relatively understudied metazoan phylum. Although nematomorphs make up only 1 of 3 …
relatively understudied metazoan phylum. Although nematomorphs make up only 1 of 3 …
The unwanted guests of hermits: a global review of the diversity and natural history of hermit crab parasites
JJ McDermott, JD Williams, CB Boyko - Journal of Experimental Marine …, 2010 - Elsevier
Hermit crabs (superfamily Paguroidea), by their typical nature as inhabitants of mobile,
protective domiciles, are a unique source for studying symbiotic relationships. A great variety …
protective domiciles, are a unique source for studying symbiotic relationships. A great variety …
[KNIHA][B] Marine parasitology
K Rohde - 2005 -
This comprehensive, authoritative and up-to-date work provides the definitive overview of
marine parasites worldwide. It is an invaluable reference for students and researchers in …
marine parasites worldwide. It is an invaluable reference for students and researchers in …
A Schmidt-Rhaesa - Handbook of Zoology. Gastrotricha …, 2013 -
The taxon Nematomorpha, commonly known as horsehair worms, is a taxon including at
present about 350 species of animals with an interesting life cycle including a parasitic and …
present about 350 species of animals with an interesting life cycle including a parasitic and …
First report of marine horsehair worms (Nematomorpha: Nectonema) parasitic in isopod crustaceans
K Kakui, J Fukuchi, D Shimada - Parasitology Research, 2021 - Springer
Nectonema, the only horsehair worm (Nematomorpha) genus found in marine
environments, was previously known to be parasitic only in decapod crustaceans. We report …
environments, was previously known to be parasitic only in decapod crustaceans. We report …
Global diversity of hairworms (Nematomorpha: Gordiaceae) in freshwater
G Poinar Jr - Hydrobiologia, 2008 - Springer
Freshwater hairworms (Gordiaceae) and marine hairworms (Nectonematoidea) comprise
the phylum Nematomorpha. Only the freshwater forms are discussed here. While freshwater …
the phylum Nematomorpha. Only the freshwater forms are discussed here. While freshwater …
Parasites of shore crabs in the genus Hemigrapsus (Decapoda: Brachyura: Varunidae) and their status in crabs geographically displaced: a review
JJ McDermott - Journal of Natural History, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Two brachyurans of the varunid genus Hemigrapsus from the northwestern Pacific Ocean
have invaded coastal regions of the north Atlantic–Hemigrapsus takanoi (sibling species of …
have invaded coastal regions of the north Atlantic–Hemigrapsus takanoi (sibling species of …
Intra-and interspecific genetic diversity of New Zealand hairworms (Nematomorpha)
Hairworms (Nematomorpha) are a little-known group of parasites, and despite having been
represented in the taxonomic literature for over a century, the implementation of molecular …
represented in the taxonomic literature for over a century, the implementation of molecular …
Nectonema horsehair worms (Nematomorpha) parasitic in the Tanner crab Chionoecetes bairdi, with a note on the relationship between host and parasite phylogeny
K Kakui - Diseases of aquatic organisms, 2024 -
Nectonema nematomorphs utilize marine crustacean hosts in their life cycle; 16 decapod
and 1 isopod genera have been reported to date as host genera. This study reports the first …
and 1 isopod genera have been reported to date as host genera. This study reports the first …
Field and Laboratory Observations on the Life History of Gordius terrestris (Phylum Nematomorpha), A Terrestrial Nematomorph
To date, all free-living adult hairworms have been reported from aquatic habitats. However,
in Oklahoma, a recently described gordiid, Gordius terrestris, is consistently encountered in …
in Oklahoma, a recently described gordiid, Gordius terrestris, is consistently encountered in …