A review on two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials and their potential applications in spintronics and spin-caloritronic
The class of two-dimensional (2D) materials is critical in the domain of scientific investigation
and technology due to its low dimensionality which offers a unique platform to modify the …
and technology due to its low dimensionality which offers a unique platform to modify the …
The role of spin in thermoelectricity
Thermoelectric (TE) materials and devices are crucial for renewable thermal-to-electrical
energy conversion applications. The optimization of TE performance can be achieved by …
energy conversion applications. The optimization of TE performance can be achieved by …
Thermoelectric generation based on spin Seebeck effects
The spin Seebeck effect (SSE) refers to the generation of a spin current as a result of a
temperature gradient in magnetic materials including insulators. The SSE is applicable to …
temperature gradient in magnetic materials including insulators. The SSE is applicable to …
Spin caloritronics
Spintronics is about the coupled electron spin and charge transport in condensed-matter
structures and devices. The recently invigorated field of spin caloritronics focuses on the …
structures and devices. The recently invigorated field of spin caloritronics focuses on the …
Theory of the spin Seebeck effect
The spin Seebeck effect refers to the generation of a spin voltage caused by a temperature
gradient in a ferromagnet, which enables the thermal injection of spin currents from the …
gradient in a ferromagnet, which enables the thermal injection of spin currents from the …
Magnon spin-current theory for the longitudinal spin-Seebeck effect
We present a theoretical model for the longitudinal spin-Seebeck effect (LSSE) in bilayers
made of a ferromagnetic insulator (FMI), such as yttrium iron garnet (YIG), and a normal …
made of a ferromagnetic insulator (FMI), such as yttrium iron garnet (YIG), and a normal …
Longitudinal spin Seebeck effect: from fundamentals to applications
The spin Seebeck effect refers to the generation of spin voltage as a result of a temperature
gradient in ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic materials. When a conductor is attached to a …
gradient in ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic materials. When a conductor is attached to a …
Longitudinal spin Seebeck effect free from the proximity Nernst effect
This Letter provides evidence for intrinsic longitudinal spin Seebeck effects (LSSEs) that are
free from the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) caused by an extrinsic proximity effect. We …
free from the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) caused by an extrinsic proximity effect. We …
Intrinsic spin-dependent thermal transport
Most studies of spin caloritronic effects to date, including spin-Seebeck effect, utilize thin
films on substrates. We use patterned ferromagnetic thin film to demonstrate the profound …
films on substrates. We use patterned ferromagnetic thin film to demonstrate the profound …
Local charge and spin currents in magnetothermal landscapes
A scannable laser beam is used to generate local thermal gradients in metallic (Co 2 FeAl)
or insulating (Y 3 Fe 5 O 12) ferromagnetic thin films. We study the resulting local charge …
or insulating (Y 3 Fe 5 O 12) ferromagnetic thin films. We study the resulting local charge …