Priority effects in microbiome assembly
Advances in next-generation sequencing have enabled the widespread measurement of
microbiome composition across systems and over the course of microbiome assembly …
microbiome composition across systems and over the course of microbiome assembly …
Establishing causality: opportunities of synthetic communities for plant microbiome research
Plant microbiome research highlights the importance of indigenous microbial communities
for host phenotypes such as growth and health. It aims to discover the molecular basis by …
for host phenotypes such as growth and health. It aims to discover the molecular basis by …
Microbial hub taxa link host and abiotic factors to plant microbiome variation
Plant-associated microorganisms have been shown to critically affect host physiology and
performance, suggesting that evolution and ecology of plants and animals can only be …
performance, suggesting that evolution and ecology of plants and animals can only be …
The plant microbiota: systems-level insights and perspectives
Plants do not grow as axenic organisms in nature, but host a diverse community of
microorganisms, termed the plant microbiota. There is an increasing awareness that the …
microorganisms, termed the plant microbiota. There is an increasing awareness that the …
Protective role of the Arabidopsis leaf microbiota against a bacterial pathogen
The aerial parts of plants are host to taxonomically structured bacterial communities.
Members of the core phyllosphere microbiota can protect Arabidopsis thaliana against foliar …
Members of the core phyllosphere microbiota can protect Arabidopsis thaliana against foliar …
[HTML][HTML] Bacterial endophytes: The hidden actor in plant immune responses against biotic stress
Bacterial endophytes constitute an essential part of the plant microbiome and are described
to promote plant health by different mechanisms. The close interaction with the host leads to …
to promote plant health by different mechanisms. The close interaction with the host leads to …
[HTML][HTML] Driving factors of epiphytic bacterial communities: a review
RO Schlechter, M Miebach… - Journal of advanced …, 2019 - Elsevier
Bacteria establish complex, compositionally consistent communities on healthy leaves.
Ecological processes such as dispersal, diversification, ecological drift, and selection as well …
Ecological processes such as dispersal, diversification, ecological drift, and selection as well …
Pivotal roles of phyllosphere microorganisms at the interface between plant functioning and atmospheric trace gas dynamics
F Bringel, I Couée - Frontiers in microbiology, 2015 - frontiersin.org
The phyllosphere, which lato sensu consists of the aerial parts of plants, and therefore
primarily, of the set of photosynthetic leaves, is one of the most prevalent microbial habitats …
primarily, of the set of photosynthetic leaves, is one of the most prevalent microbial habitats …
Map** phyllosphere microbiota interactions in planta to establish genotype–phenotype relationships
Host-associated microbiomes harbour hundreds of bacterial species that co-occur, creating
the opportunity for manifold bacteria–bacteria interactions, which in turn contribute to the …
the opportunity for manifold bacteria–bacteria interactions, which in turn contribute to the …
Phyllosphere microbiota: Community dynamics and its interaction with plant hosts
T Gong, XF **n - Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Plants are colonized by various microorganisms in natural environments. While many
studies have demonstrated key roles of the rhizosphere microbiota in regulating biological …
studies have demonstrated key roles of the rhizosphere microbiota in regulating biological …